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Our Goal for Today: Understand Principles of Sequencing and Approaches to Designing Frontloading Activities.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Goal for Today: Understand Principles of Sequencing and Approaches to Designing Frontloading Activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Goal for Today: Understand Principles of Sequencing and Approaches to Designing Frontloading Activities

2 Students can meet any challenge in their ZPD IF they are learning in a meaningful context AND Are given the proper assistance over time

3 Types of Frontloading  Of reading strategies (task-specific)  Setting a Purpose  Making Connections (self-text, text-text, text-world, etc.)  Predicting  Visualizing  Summarizing  Monitoring Comprehension  Etc.  Of genres—content and form of...(text-specific)  Expository texts  Plays  News articles  Textbooks  Mysteries  Etc.  Of literary concepts (task-specific)  Characterization  Point of view  Narrator  Setting  Etc.  In the service of inquiry, framed with essential/existential questions (text and task-specific)  Preparing students to address the essential question  Connecting to the essential question

4 Principles of Sequencing Ideas for sequencing from Wilhelm, 2007; Smith and Wilhelm, 2003; Wilhelm, Baker and Hackett, 2001 Provide extended practice in miniature to help students gain practical expert knowledge, especially through meaningful social activity: -Easy to Hard -Immediate to Imagined -Close to Home to Far From Home -Familiar to Unfamiliar -Oral to Written -Short to Long -Scaffolded to Independent -Collaborative and Socially Supported to Individual -Concrete to Abstract -Visual, visually supported to purely textual

5 Articulating Goals “Many studies in cognition highlight the reason it’s so important for students to realize why we ask them to do what we ask them to do. The purpose of an activity drives our motivation and engagement in the activity.” (Smith & Wilhelm, 2010) Essential Question: Is progress always good? Desired Understandings: Students will understand... The complexity of scientific progress. Reading a text involves, observation, inferencing and drawing conclusions based on patterns and distinctions. Procedural Goal: Students will have the ability to... use clues in the text to make inferences about characters, events and author’s purpose (theme) Reading Focus: Making inferences, reading for theme

6 Frontloading “Research provides evidence that a reader’s experience with a text is enriched when prior knowledge is activated before engaging with a new and unfamiliar text. One way to understand the need for frontloading is to explore schema theory. A schema is a rich set of understandings around a particular topic. If students do not possess or do not activate the appropriate schema, they will not comprehend a text.” (Wilhelm, Baker & Hackett, 2001)

7 Frontloading and Sequencing Text-specific=genre, background, content, desired understandings Task-specific=reading strategies/skills Essential Q specific=activating background knowledge, connecting to task

8 1. The chief obstacle to the progress of the human race is the human race. 2. Terrible things that are done with the excuse that progress requires them are not really progress at all, but just terrible things. 3. If the human race wants to go to hell in a basket, technology can help it get there by jet 4. It's the same each time with progress. First they ignore you, then they say you're mad, then dangerous, then there's a pause and then you can't find anyone who disagrees with you.

9 Visualization Reading is Seeing, Wilhelm, (Scholastic) -Visualization Strategies: *motivate and engage readers *help students connect the known to the new *build background knowledge *increase the ability to visualize and elaborate on characters, scenes, actions, etc. *improve comprehension *make complex reading processes more accessible before internalizing them for use more abstractly -good readers create visual images and mental models to organize and store their experience and evolving understandings -struggling readers benefit from strategies that help them do what expert readers do -

10 Visual Technique - Pattern Seeking Across Pictures (Reading for Theme) 1.What do these pictures have in common? (general subjects) 2.What is the most specific thing that these pictures have in common? (specific subject/focus) 3.What is the theme of these pictures? (comment on specific subject)









19 Visual Technique - Pattern Seeking Across Pictures 1.What do these pictures have in common? (general subjects) 2.What is the most specific thing that these pictures have in common? (specific subject/focus) 3.What is the theme of these pictures? (comment on specific subject)

20 Galileo - Heliocentric model of the Solar System Andreas Vesalius - investigations of human cadavers, modern anatomical studies

21 Charles Darwin - evolution Rosalind Franklin - early DNA research

22 J. Robert Oppenheimer - one of the developers of the atomic bomb Harry Griffin- cloned Dolly the sheep

23 Harry Griffin - responsible for the first "test tube"baby Dr. Byron Peterson - stem cell research

24 Student Example— Pattern Seeking Across Pictures 1.old, drawn, beards, astronomers? Scientist? 2.Darwin, evolution, biology, human advancement 3.Nuclear war, radiation, technological advancements, good vs. evil, advancement, Manhattan project 4.Stem cell research, doctors, science discovery 5.Are we selling our morality in exchange for technological advancements? 6.Theme: Often science and religion are at odds with each other.

25 Some Frontloading Possibilities Journal writing Anticipation Guide (Opinionnaire) Visual Analysis—photos, ads, political cartoons, art Drama—role playing situations that will be dealt with in work Character quotes Tea Party Scenario Ranking Think-Pair-Share Four Corners Discussion Secret Prompts Share Artifacts—related to essential question/topic Floor-storming Probable Passage (Beers, 2003) SCALES Analysis of Photographs Video Clips Analysis of Ads Controversial Quotes

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