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Emily Bronte and Wuthering Heights July 30, 1818 December 19, 1848.

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Presentation on theme: "Emily Bronte and Wuthering Heights July 30, 1818 December 19, 1848."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emily Bronte and Wuthering Heights July 30, 1818 December 19, 1848

2 Charlotte, Emily, and Anne This portrait was discovered after Charlotte’s death in 1855. Branwell Brontë painted the portrait. Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell

3 The Parsonage Patrick Brontë and his wife, Maria Branwell Brontë, moved here early in their marriage. Maria died when Emily Brontë was only three years old. It was in this parsonage that the four surviving children-- Charlotte, Emily, Anne, and Branwell lived and created those wonderful stories.

4 St. Michael’s Church Patrick Brontë was curate of this church for all of his life. Emily and Charlotte are buried in the church. Anne died while on vacation and is not buried here.

5 Haworth, Yorkshire Haworth is located in northern England in the county of Yorkshire. It is characterized by rolling hills covered with heath. The weather is very changeable.

6 Yorkshire Moors Emily Brontë loved the area around the moors and spent a great deal of time exploring these moors. Heathcliff and Young Catherine do the same in Wuthering Heights.

7 Yorkshire Moors This slide shows what is now Brontë falls. In the book it is referred to as Pennistone Cragg.

8 Top Withens This is believed to be the setting for Wuthering Heights. It is a short three-mile hike from the parsonage through the Yorkshire Moors.

9 Charlotte Brontë Charlotte Brontë was Emily’s older sister. 1816-1855 wrote Jane Eyre and other novels.

10 Topics leading to themes in Wuthering Heights Family history and family relationships and/or sibling rivalry Romantic or ill-fated love Revenge Nature vs. Civilization (Culture) Education

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