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On The Ball How sports and hobbies help mental health.

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Presentation on theme: "On The Ball How sports and hobbies help mental health."— Presentation transcript:

1 On The Ball How sports and hobbies help mental health.
By Elliot Riley and Matt Spargo Edited by Cait and Kim

2 Preventing self harm Sport can prevent self harm like depression by keeping you busy, so you don’t get bored. It also helps you make friends with people with the same interests, so you won’t be lonely and you will always have someone to talk to. A lot of sports and hobbies keep you fit so obesity won’t be problem.

3 Connections through sports and hobbies.
They will open up lots of connections for help with lots of metal problems. For example: A coach, a team mate, an instructor, trainer, spectators, there are also help methods like beyond blue. When feeling down, playing this sport will help you release your emotions.

4 Physical Benefits The physical benefits of sport are good. You can play something you love and keep fit. When you are fit, you don’t get sick as easily, you don’t put on as much weight. You’ll be happy with you figure. Toning your muscles will have the chicks running to you from miles away.

5 Psychiatric Benefits Makes your mind more alert so your schooling will improve. Happy with your figure if you play a sport. If sport isn’t your thing try a recreation, they are as good as sport because it keeps your mind fit, which is just as good as keeping your physical fitness good. Gives you a chance to mix and make new friends with the same interest. Diverts your focus onto something you like.

6 Community Joining a sport or recreation within your community is contributing to your town by supporting the local businesses. Its helping develop your community.

7 Clubs you can connect with.
Gisborne dragons cricket club Contact for more information. Or    for information on other clubs in the area. Or if you want to contact a footy club go to for club contacts for this area.

8 Thanks For Watching!!!

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