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Test May 4 Defining mineral characteristics Identify minerals Match mineral group to property Match mineral to group Rank hardness Multiple choice Open.

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Presentation on theme: "Test May 4 Defining mineral characteristics Identify minerals Match mineral group to property Match mineral to group Rank hardness Multiple choice Open."— Presentation transcript:

1 Test May 4 Defining mineral characteristics Identify minerals Match mineral group to property Match mineral to group Rank hardness Multiple choice Open response

2 More on mineral groups Sulfides 1. Often formed by hot water in the rocks; economically important source of metal ores Sulfates 2. Often formed by evaporation of seawater; used in making plaster Halides 3. Table salt is the most important mineral in this family

3 Silicates 4. Make up three fourths of the Earth’s crust Carbonates 5. Form bubbles when combined with acid Native Elements 6. Composed of just one kind of atom Oxide Often used as a source of ores

4 Whose Who Pyrite, commonly called fool’s gold Gypsum, formed by the evaporation of seawater, used to make plaster Halite, also known as sodium chloride or table salt Chalcopyrite, a major source of copper ore Sulfur, soft and bright yellow, smells like rotten eggs Calcite, the principle mineral in limestone and marble

5 Quartz, the principle mineral in sand and sandstone Feldspar, the most common mineral in the Earth’s crust Diamond, made only of the element carbon Magnetite, a magnetic ore of iron Hematite, also ore of iron Galena, cubic, PbS Muscovite & Biotite, basal cleavage (flaky)

6 Quartz, the principle mineral in sand and sandstone Feldspar, the most common mineral in the Earth’s crust Diamond, made only of the element carbon Magnetite, a magnetic ore of iron

7 Other neat tests Magnetic – contain Fe or Ni, magnetite Double Refraction – Calcite Fluorescence

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