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Witch Hunts…Post-Salem. I can relate hysteria in the colonies to hysteria today.

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Presentation on theme: "Witch Hunts…Post-Salem. I can relate hysteria in the colonies to hysteria today."— Presentation transcript:

1 Witch Hunts…Post-Salem

2 I can relate hysteria in the colonies to hysteria today.



5 “Pictorial illustration of abolitionism. Its rise, progress and end. Vol. II.” By Alfred Gale bin/ampage?collId=rbpe&fileName=rbpe10/rbpe100/10004700/rbpe10004700.db&recNum=1&itemLink= h?ammem/rbpebib:@field%28NUMBER+@band%28rbpe+10004700%29%29&linkText=0 Fear of abolishing slavery What assertion is this author making about people who wanted to abolish slavery? How does he tie in the Salem Witch Trial accusations?

6 “Examination of a Witch” T. H. Matteson (1853)

7 “Stand fast men---they’re armed with marshmallows” Washington Post, 1954 Fear of Communism Gov’t said the Girl Scouts’ “one world” ideas were un- American. What assertion is this author making? How does he tie in the Salem Witch Trials?

8 "Witchcraft in Colonial America: A Matter of Lies and Death.“ Washington Post, KidsPost section, October 31, 2001 What fear existed in the U.S. at this time? What has been the corresponding hysteria in society?

9 Wes and Tony.“The Magician.” Comic strip. Amazing Superpowers 22 Nov 2007: Web. The Magician (2007) What is this author telling us? What does this tell us about hindsight?

10 Why do people get on board with hysteria and mob mentality? Why do some people stay silent? How is fear used to manipulate people? – How was fear used to manipulate people in Salem?

11 I can relate hysteria in the colonies to hysteria today.

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