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Presentation on theme: "CATALYST OBJECTIVES DATE: 02/10/2015"— Presentation transcript:

Describe the 3 types of plate boundaries. Explain how convection currents move plates. Describe 1 type of plate movement.

2 Plate Tectonics Earth’s crust is divided into 12 major plates (tectonic plates) which are moving in various directions. Plate Boundary Where 2 plates meet

3 Plate Tectonics

4 Types of Plates Continental Crust Oceanic Crust Thick (10 - 70 km)
Less Dense Mostly very old Thin (~7 km) More Dense Young age of rocks

5 Convergent Boundaries
Plate Boundaries Divergent Boundaries Convergent Boundaries Oceanic-Oceanic Oceanic-Continental Continental-Continental Transform Boundaries

6 1. Divergent Boundaries 2 or more plates separate or pull apart
Magma rises between the plates and makes new rocks Formation of ridges (in the ocean) and rift valleys (on the continents)

7 1. Divergent Boundaries

8 1. Divergent Boundaries

9 1. Divergent Boundaries

10 2. Convergent Boundaries
2 or more plates moving towards each other 3 types Oceanic-Oceanic Oceanic-Continental Continental-Continental

11 What will happen to the oceanic plate when it sinks?
2a. Oceanic-Oceanic Collision of 2 oceanic crusts One oceanic crust will eventually slide under the other What will happen to the oceanic plate when it sinks?

12 2a. Oceanic-Oceanic Subduction When a more dense plate goes under (subducts) a less dense plate

13 2a. Oceanic-Oceanic

14 Trenches and Island Volcanoes form at this boundaries
2a. Oceanic-Oceanic Trenches and Island Volcanoes form at this boundaries

15 2b. Oceanic-Continental
Collision between an oceanic plate and a continental plate Oceanic crust is more dense than continental crust so… Oceanic crust sinks below continental crust

16 2b. Oceanic-Continental
What will happen to the oceanic plate when it sinks? SUBDUCTION Oceanic

17 2b. Oceanic-Continental
Trenches and Land Volcanoes form at these boundaries

18 Plate Tectonics

19 2c. Continental-Continental
Collision of 2 continental plates Similar density, so neither subducts Formation of mountains

20 2c. Continental-Continental
Example: Indian-Australian Plate vs. Eurasian Plate Collision formed Himalaya Mountains

21 2c. Continental-Continental


23 3. Transform Boundaries 2 plates slide horizontally past each other Forms long lines in the Earth (faults) and deformation of the land

24 3. Transform Boundaries

25 3. Transform Boundaries Example: San Andreas Fault, CA

26 3. Transform Boundaries

27 But what is causing these plates to move?
Convection Currents!

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