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By: Adam walton My feature spider is the red-knee tarantula. Spider.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Adam walton My feature spider is the red-knee tarantula. Spider."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Adam walton My feature spider is the red-knee tarantula. Spider

2 What it look like When I first saw a red-knee tarantula, it looked very scary. He looks like he could hide in the dark. The red-knee tarantula is black, orange, white and red. His cephalothorax and abdomen are black. His legs and pedipalps are black, white, orange and red in stripes. This spider is big. He is five and a half inches long. Its body is like a oval and the head is like a circle. The legs are like eight hairy poles. He has eight eyes.

3 Find Them They live in Mexico and deserts. That's where you can find them. They can be a house pet for people or you can have one for your birthday.

4 Where they live The Mexican Red-knee hides to ambush his prey. He catches his prey by hiding and jumping on the insect. He hunts like a cat does. It sneaks up on an insect.It put silk around its burrow and uses silk for protecting its egg.

5 Small frogs? Spider can live about 25 years. Their body is 2 inch wide and their diet is insects, small frogs and mice. I think spiders are cool like snakes and lizards.

6 What is a Spider? A spider is an animal that make webs. Spiders have 8 legs and 8 eyes to see things better.But not all spider see well the spider dies more quickly than people. It can live 25 years. Some spiders live 1-25 years. People can live to be 100.

7 Parts of a spider 2 body parts 8 eyes cephalothorax abdomen pedipalps one of 8 legs spinnerets

8 good things about spiders bad things about spiders Some spider are poisonous. They eat good insects. Spider can make a lot of babies. A spider eat insects and spider are good. Spider can eat rats for people

9 Spiders make webs to catch insects in the web. But…I also learned that spiders use their silk to keep the egg sac warm.

10 These are three facts I learned about spiders: 1.They lays 158 baby spiders. 2.They eat insects. 3.They can live 25 years.

11 Spiders are awesome.

12 Glossary Cephalothorax = Is a part of there body Desert =the last course of a meal pie is a popular dessert. Pedipalps =To front things Prey =Is there food

13 references Desert tarantula Desert tarantula picture Pictures: InsectsInsects, insects and more insectsinsects SpidersSpiders, spiders and more spidersspiders

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