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2 Adolescent Literacy School Improvement Cycle Vision  If you had a fully functioning literacy leadership team in your school, what would it look like?

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2 2 Adolescent Literacy School Improvement Cycle

3 Vision  If you had a fully functioning literacy leadership team in your school, what would it look like?  If every teacher was on board with this vision, what would learning look like (for teachers and students)?  How do we get there?

4 Marking the Text and Most Important Activity  Read pages 13 and 14 silently, marking the most important points as you read.  Be prepared to share and explain your most important points from this section.

5 5 Video Clip-Principal as Instructional Leader  How did this principal describe supporting the teacher?  How did this principal model as an instructional leader?

6 6 Video Clip-Strengthening Reading Literacy  Consider the steps Hayes Middle School took to implement the literacy program. The principal emphasized the importance of using teacher leaders for effective change. Why? What were the teacher leaders supposed to accomplish?

7 7 Intervention: Chapter 6  For most adolescents, reading difficulties usually stem from:  Lack of comprehension strategies  Inadequate vocabulary development  Insufficient prior knowledge  Poor reading fluency  low motivation to read

8 8 Video Clip-Shared Vision of Good Instruction  What were the instructional focus areas for these struggling readers?  How are the interventions tailored to the needs of individual students?

9 9 Seven KCLM Strategies  Use existing knowledge to make sense of new information  Ask questions before, during, and after reading  Infer  Monitor comprehension  Use “fix-up” strategies when necessary  Determine what is important  Synthesize information to create new meaning

10 10 Important Information  Please note that the Kentucky Cognitive Literacy Model Unit Planning Template is project-based, with an emphasis on the seven reading strategies. These seven reading strategies represent the “standards” of content area literacy.

11 11 School-Wide Intervention Steps  These are located on pages 58 through 61 of the guide.  Remember this: Purchased programs are often discarded or placed on a shelf. Highly skilled teachers who are knowledgeable in literacy and learning strategies are the key to success.

12 A Return to Vision  A school with a fully functional literacy plan would provide the following descriptors:  Students engaged in learning  In-depth conversations around concepts being learned  Literacy strategies being used  Teacher dialogues on literacy  Hallways filled with student work  Classrooms infused with literacy


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