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FUNDED BY CPD Session 2. Welcome [session leader name] [session leader contact details] Wifi access details: [type here]

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Presentation on theme: "FUNDED BY CPD Session 2. Welcome [session leader name] [session leader contact details] Wifi access details: [type here]"— Presentation transcript:

1 FUNDED BY CPD Session 2

2 Welcome [session leader name] [session leader contact details] Wifi access details: [type here]

3 CPD session 2 Reflection on school-based CPD Computer networks activities Planning Teaching Assessment General discussion/questions

4 Reflection on school-based CPD

5 The internet

6 How would you explain the difference between the internet and the Web?

7 What is the internet?

8 Passing notes

9 What might pupils learn? understand computer networks, including the internet solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts the opportunities [networks] offer for communication and collaboration

10 How does a search engine select and rank results?

11 Aberdeen, 2011

12 public domain image from wikimedia commons

13 What might pupils learn? appreciate how search results are selected and ranked solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work

14 Planning

15 Planning a scheme of work Insert screen grab of vid

16 Themes? Computer Science Information Technology Digital Literacy

17 Themes? Algorithms Programming and development Data and data representation Hardware and processing Communication and networks Information technology

18 Teaching

19 Approaches to teaching

20 Approaches Experimenting Making Discussion Connecting Direct instruction Practice

21 What works? © Education Endowment FoundationEducation Endowment Foundation

22 Assessment


24 The focus of ‘standard attained’ should be on specific elements, rather than a generalised notion of a level. All assessment and other processes should bring people back to the content of the curriculum instead of focusing on abstracted and arbitrary expressions of the curriculum such as ‘levels’. Oates et al, 2011

25 © Dorling and Walker, 2014

26 Attainment targets By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant programme of study. DfE, 2013

27 Berry, 2014

28 © Rising Stars. From

29 Try assessing some Scratch work

30 Any questions?

31 Conclusion and close Have a go! Join CAS Master Teacher? BCS Certificate in CS teaching MOOCs

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