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YOUR FIRST EURES JOB - The Italian project  Partnerships that actively involve employment services from all over Italy  The participation of a private.

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2 YOUR FIRST EURES JOB - The Italian project  Partnerships that actively involve employment services from all over Italy  The participation of a private Employment Agency – Adecco  Long-standing relations with foreign partners (Portugal: with IEFP - Instituto do Emprego E Formação Professional IP, Spain and France) with whom we have other ongoing projects.IEFP - Instituto do Emprego E Formação Professional IP

3 YOUR FIRST EURES JOB Objectives  Contribute actively to reduce labour market mismatching and bottlenecks by making better use of the available work force in Europe  Encourage mobility  Sustain youth employment and employability through work mobility  Enhance the role of technical high schools in teaching young people skills that correspond to labour market demands.

4 YOUR FIRST EURES JOB Target – Young people  Aged 18-30  Nationals of any of the EU-28 Member States  Legally resident in any of the EU-28 Member States

5 YOUR FIRST EURES JOB Target – Employers  SMEs  Legally established in one of the EU-27 Member States (at the present Croatia is not included, because it is not a EU Member State at the time of the Call)  Willing to hire a jobseeker or job changer from EU Countries

6 YOUR FIRST EURES JOB - Job offer  Ensure a minimum contractual duration of 6 months  Comply with national law  Ensure pay  Be located in a EU country other than the country of residence of the young jobseeker

7 YOUR FIRST EURES JOB - Contribution for Young people Two kinds of contribution are foreseen  The first contribution goes towards the cost of the interview trip abroad and it was provide before the departure.  The second contribution covers the costs of re-location in the country of destination. It is given before the departure, once the candidate has received and accepted a job offer. This amount is applied for the EU-27 (at the present Croatia is not included, because it is not a EU Member State at the time of the Call) Countries and differs from State to State.

8 YOUR FIRST EURES JOB - Contribution for Young people


10 YOUR FIRST EURES JOB - Contribution for Employers  SMEs hiring workers from another EU State, in the framework of the Your First EURES Job, can be provided with financial support, as a contribution to the cost of implementing an integration programme, in favor of the newly recruited mobile worker.  Companies will receive the financial support, for each worker employed

11 YOUR FIRST EURES JOB - Contribution for Employers

12 Contact us! or or

13 Good to know  Your first EURES job website (EU – all the projects):  Info on YFEJ is also available through EURES portal: The “European Vacancy Monitor” and the “European Job Mobility Bulletin” provide guidance on variations on the EU labour market from time to time

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