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Welcome to the PC Meeting. Introductions Meeting Room Logistics Restrooms Breaks Lunch Dinner Cars? Spouses? Any special meal requirements?

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the PC Meeting. Introductions Meeting Room Logistics Restrooms Breaks Lunch Dinner Cars? Spouses? Any special meal requirements?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the PC Meeting

2 Introductions

3 Meeting Room Logistics Restrooms Breaks Lunch Dinner Cars? Spouses? Any special meal requirements?

4 SIGSOFT 2000 FSE 2000 Keynotes Rich DeMillo (Telecordia) Rich Pethia (CERT, SEI/CMU) Rick Rashid (Microsoft) Tutorials IWSSD-10 and ICSE 2001 PC meeting Social Events Welcome reception at hotel Reception and banquet at San Diego Zoo

5 Goals for This Meeting Create best possible program for FSE 2000 Focus on accepting quality papers Require a good reason to reject Constructive and enjoyable discussions PC & non-PC papers held to the same standards No discussion deferrals and resurrections Always work toward closure and a decision This is a conference, not a journal

6 Procedure Discuss all papers having at least one A or B Unless I hear otherwise, all papers having only Cs and Ds are hereby rejected Each discussion led by most positive reviewer Let all reviewers comment before opening the floor to general discussion PC papers discussed “in line”

7 Paperwork to Help You Review summaries Summaries by discussion order Discuss, Lead Discussion, Conflict Summaries in paper number order (all papers) You may keep these as a souvenir Reviews Reviews of all papers to be discussed, minus conflicts Please do not take this with you

8 Shepherding I am strongly disinclined to do this Variability of shepherds Variability of criteria for shepherdability I am open to counter-arguments Let’s defer this issue until it becomes necessary

9 Conflicts of Interest You may not attend the discussion of papers on which you have a conflict Bashar Nuseibeh will chair the discussion of my conflict papers Debi and I will both leave the room Be VERY careful to avoid discussing ANY paper until ALL its conflictees are out of the room Avoids unnecessary embarrassment, amusement, enlightenment

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