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Amendment 08 Page 1 Appendix 4A Manifest Assumptions This information is provided for bidding purposes only and will be subject to change at the time of.

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Presentation on theme: "Amendment 08 Page 1 Appendix 4A Manifest Assumptions This information is provided for bidding purposes only and will be subject to change at the time of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amendment 08 Page 1 Appendix 4A Manifest Assumptions This information is provided for bidding purposes only and will be subject to change at the time of contract start. ISS Flights 1J/A, UF4 and 14A payload complements include payload developer hardware and carriers processed by CAPPS. Thus, the Customer and CAPPS simultaneously process the mission hardware as shown on the manifest as. CAPPS is responsible for processing and integration of CBC’s and SLP’s. For SpaceHab missions, CAPPS is responsible for Spacelab Tunnel configuration and integration. Unless otherwise identified, the ISS Resupply/ Return flights designated UF consist of the following complements on ascent and descent –MPLM contains 5 Resupply Stowage Racks (RSRs), 4 Resupply Stowage Platforms (RSPs), 2 International Standard Payload Racks (ISPRs), 1 Refrigerator/ Freezer integrated in an Active MPLM –LMC carries 3 Launch On Need (LON) ORU’s or Payloads –Sidewall Carrier (SWC) carries 1 Launch On Need (LON) ORU or Payload The ISS Resupply/ Return flights after FY07 consist of Unpressurized Logistics Flights (LF-U#) and Pressurized Logistics Flights (LF-P#). –The ascent and descent complement for Unpressurized Logistics Flights (LF-U) consist of 8 ORU’s or Payloads integrated on the 1st Unpressurized Logistics Carrier (ULC) 8 ORU’s or Payloads integrated on the 2nd Unpressurized Logistics Carrier (ULC) 4 Launch On Need (LON) ORU’s or Payloads integrated on a Lightweight MPESS Carrier (LMC) 1 Launch On Need (LON) ORU’s or Payload integrated on a Sidewall Carrier (SWC) –The ascent and descent complement for Pressurized Logistics Flights (LF-P) consist of 5 Resupply Stowage Racks (RSRs), 4 Resupply Stowage Platforms (RSPs), 2 International Standard Payload Racks (ISPRs) and 3 Refrigerator/ Freezers integrated in an Active MPLM 8 ORU’s or Payloads integrated on one Unpressurized Logistics Carrier (ULC) LON missions utilize a LMC and/or a Sidewall Carrier

2 Amendment 08 Page 2 FY 2002FY 2003FY 2004FY 2005FY 2006FY 2007 FY 2008 STS-107 [Spacehab-DM, FREESTAR, MEIDEX, RAMBO-P] 9A [S1 (3 TCS Radiators, CETA Cart A, S-band Equip), SHIMMER] 11A [P1 (3 TCS Radiators, CETA Cart B, UHF), MEPSI] ULF1 [ISPRs, RSRs, RSPs (MPLM); FHRC, UTA, BCDU, 4 WVS Stanchions (ESP-2); ISS Attach P/Ls (SWs), PCU (LMC), Phoenix (STARSHINE, CONCAP IV, FALCONSAT II)] 12A [P3/P4 (PV Arrays, PVR-6 battery sets, 2 ULCAS); PDGF (sidewall), RAMBO-P, MEPSI] 12A.1 [Spacehab Single Cargo Module; Pump Module, DDCU CP, MBSU CP, MDM Rad, WVS FSE Rtn (ICC); PFCS rtn (ICC); P5 (PVRGF OSE)] 13A [S3/S4 (PV Arrays - 6 Battery Sets, 4 PAS);] 13A.1 [Spacehab Single Cargo Module; EAS Rtn FSE (ICC); S5 (PVRGF OSE)] 15A [S6 (PV Arrays, PVR-6 Battery Sets)] 10A [Node 2 (DDCU racks, ZSRs); PDGF (Sidewall)] 9A.1 [MTsM; Science Power Platform; 2 Solar Arrays; ERA, PVGF-TBD (VCC-RD1)] STS-120 [HST-SM-04] 1J/A [ELM PS (4 JEM PM System, 3 ISPRs, 1 Stow); MT/CETA Prot/ Stbd Rails (ICC-D1)] 1J [JEM PM (4 JEM System Racks, JEM RMS); Hitchhiker] UF3 [RSPs, RSRs, ISPRs, 1 JEM Rack, MELFI, (MPLM); ORU R&R, NTA-P R&R, NTA-S rtn (LMC/ SWC); 3 Hitchhikers] 1E [Columbus Module (ISPRs); 2 Columbus P/L (LMC); Hitchhiker] UF4 [S3 Attached P/L; SPDM (SLP-D rtn); ICC-D1 rtn; 3 Hitchhikers] 2J/A [JEM EF; ELM-ES (EF Pyld, ICS, SFA w/carrier); 4 SM MMOD Wings, 2 SPP SA w/truss (VCC-RD1); VCC-RD1 rtn; GAS/ SEM] UF5 [RSPs, RSRs, ISPRs (MPLM); ORUs/PL (LMC/ SWC); Hitchhiker] 14A [PL (Express-1), Cupola (SLP);ATA-P R&R, 2 Columbus and 2 EF P/L (VCC-UD1) ] UF6 [RSPs, RSRs, ISPRs (MPLM); ORUs/PL (LMC/ SWC)] ISS & SHUTTLE PAYLOAD GROUND PROCESSING OVERVIEW KENNEDY SPACE CENTER DATE: 24 APRIL 02 MANIFEST: Appendix 4A For bidding purposes only! LEGEND: Payload Processing (Customer Program Mgmt w/ CAPPS Launch Site Services) Shuttle Integration (CAPPS Program Mgmt)Payload Processing (CAPPS Program Mgmt & Launch Site Services) Payload Processing (Customer Program Mgmt w/ CAPPS Launch Site Services and CAPPS Program Mgmt for assigned payloads) Cupola in Storage Cupola arrival & checkout ULF2 [NTA-S, ATA-S, PVR FSE (ESP-3); RSPs, RSRs, (MPLM); ATA-S rtn (LMC); Hitchhiker] UF7 [Centrifuge Accommodations Module (CAM) (ZSRs); VCC-RD2 rtn] BLUE - Hitchhiker LF-P1

3 Amendment 08 Page 3 FY 2007FY 2008FY 2009FY 2010FY 2011FY 2012FY 2013 ISS & SHUTTLE PAYLOAD GROUND PROCESSING OVERVIEW KENNEDY SPACE CENTER DATE: 24 APRIL 02 MANIFEST: NOTE: Manifest, Schedule and ISS Assembly Sequence in this timeframe is under review. For bidding purposes only! Appendix 4A LF-P2 LF-U1 LF-U2 LF-P3 LF-U3 Contract End LEGEND: Payload Processing (Customer Program Mgmt w/ CAPPS Launch Site Services) Shuttle Integration (CAPPS Program Mgmt)Payload Processing (CAPPS Program Mgmt & Launch Site Services) Payload Processing (Customer Program Mgmt w/ CAPPS Launch Site Services and CAPPS Program Mgmt for assigned payloads) LF-P5 LF-U4 LF-U5 LF-P6 LF-U6 LF-P4 LF-P7 LF-U7 LF-U8 LF-P8 LF-U9 LF-P10 LF-U10 LF-U11 LF-P11 LF-U12 LF-P9 LF-P12 LF-U13 LF-U14 LF-P13 LF-U15 LF-U16 LF-P14 LF-P15 LF-U17 LF-P16 LF-U18 LF-P17

4 Amendment 08 Page 4 ACRONYMS ATAAmmonia Tank Assembly BCDUBattery Charge Discharge Unit CBCCross Bay Carrier CPCold Plate DDCUDC to DC Converter Unit DMDouble Module EASEarly Ammonia Servicer ELMExperiment Logistics Module ELM-ESExperiment Logistics Module- Exposed Section ELM-PSExperiment Logistics Module- Pressurized Section ERAEuropean Robotic Arm ESPExternal Stowage Platform FHRCFlex Hose Rotary Coupler HSTHubble Space Telescope LMCLightweight MPESS Carrier LOLILimited Operational Life Items LONLaunch on Need MBSMobile Remote Servicer Base System MBSUMain Bus Switching Unit MDMMultiplexer/Demultiplexer MELFIMinus Eighty Degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS MMODMicro-Meteor/Orbital Debris MTMobile Transporter NTANitrogen Tank Assembly ORUOrbital Replacement Unit OSEOrbital Support Equipment OTDORU Transfer Device PCMMUPulse Code Modulation Master Unit

5 Amendment 08 Page 5 APPENDIX 4A ACRONYMS PCUPlasma Contactor Unit PDGFPower Data Grapple Fixture PFCSPump/Flow Control Subassembly PVPhotovoltaic PVRGFPhotovoltaic Radiator Grapple Fixture PWPPortable Work Platform RMSRemote Manipulator System RSPResupply Stowage Platform RSRResupply Stowage Rack SASolar Array SFASmall Fine Arm SLPSpace Lab Pallet SMService Module SPDMSpecial Purpose Dexterous Manipulator SPPScience Power Platform SWCSidewall Carrier UTAUtility Transfer Assemble WVSWireless Video System ZSRZero-g Stowage Rack

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