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Eva Stergar, Tanja Urdih Lazar EASOM SUMMER SCHOOL 2015 FIT FOR WORK PROGRAMME – an efficient way to promote mental health at work.

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Presentation on theme: "Eva Stergar, Tanja Urdih Lazar EASOM SUMMER SCHOOL 2015 FIT FOR WORK PROGRAMME – an efficient way to promote mental health at work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eva Stergar, Tanja Urdih Lazar EASOM SUMMER SCHOOL 2015 FIT FOR WORK PROGRAMME – an efficient way to promote mental health at work


3 Contents Some definitionsSome definitions Mental health in figuresMental health in figures Fit for work programmeFit for work programme Designing WMHP programmeDesigning WMHP programme

4 Some definitions

5 (Mental) health No health without mental health Health as bio-psycho-social balance Holistic approach – intersectoral, interdisciplinary

6 Continuum from mental health to mental illness Health Problems Disorders Illness Understanding U, 2009

7 Health promotion Ottawa charter for HP Health promotion in terms of Ottawa charter : build healthy public policy;build healthy public policy; create supportive environments;create supportive environments; strengthen community actions;strengthen community actions; develop personal skills;develop personal skills; reorient health services.reorient health services.

8 Workplace health promotion WHP is a combined effort of employers, employees and society to improve (mental) health and well-being of people at work. Luxemburg declaration, 1997, 2005

9 WHP A combination of:A combination of: –Improving work organization and working environment, –Promoting active participation, and –Encouraging personal development. WHP programmes have to be planned and implemented jointly by employers and employees, and supported by society.WHP programmes have to be planned and implemented jointly by employers and employees, and supported by society.

10 Basic WHP principles Participation of all employeesParticipation of all employees Health team - cooperation with the occupational doctor and safety engineer /community programmesHealth team - cooperation with the occupational doctor and safety engineer /community programmes WHP is integrated in all important decisions / areas of an enterprizeWHP is integrated in all important decisions / areas of an enterprize Programme planningProgramme planning Supportive work environment / training and educationSupportive work environment / training and education Positive approach / respect / fairnessPositive approach / respect / fairness Risk factors / protective factorsRisk factors / protective factors

11 Some figures on MH

12 Sick leave, number of cases of mental and behavioural disorders, 2000-2012

13 % of SL, mental and behavioural disorders by diagnoses, 2004-2010

14 Suicides in Slovenia, 2000-2013

15 Fit for work programme

16 The purpose –gain new knowledge and skills for development of healthy work- and life- style and –introduce changes benefiting health in working environment. To achieve better health of employees over the long-term by influencing employers and employees to :To achieve better health of employees over the long-term by influencing employers and employees to :

17 Reaching the companies Specially trained WHP advisors – HR specialists, safety engineers, psychologists etc. In the company: – –set up a health group – –health analysis  the main health problem – –development of a WHP programme – –implementation – –evalution Network (knowledge, good practice, ENWHP)

18 Content – 10 areas / modules Analysis of health and safety at work Prevention of injuries at work Ergonomic measures in the workplace Prevention of workplace chemical pollution Organizational measures Stress coping and prevention Prevention of the use of psychoactive substances Workplace bullying prevention Healthy nutrition Physical activity at work

19 Results More than 200 participants from 120 companies 85 % use new knowledge at their work Areas mostly covered: –Ergonomics –Injury prevention –Prevention of the use of psychoactive substances –Stress coping and prevention –Bullying prevention...

20 Planning W(M)HP programmes

21 4 steps of planning W(M)HP programmes 1.Preparation 2.Health analysis 3.Planning 4.Implementation

22 1st step Preparation Establishing health team Establishing health team Raising awareness about health / gaining support for the programme among employees Raising awareness about health / gaining support for the programme among employees Resources (human, material, technical...) Resources (human, material, technical...)

23 2nd step From health analysis to health problems Looking for health / illness data from different sourcesLooking for health / illness data from different sources Data analysisData analysis Decisions: health problem area, priorities; arguments.Decisions: health problem area, priorities; arguments.

24 3rd step Programme planning 1./2 Health strategy within companyHealth strategy within company Programme contentProgramme content ObjectivesObjectives MeasuresMeasures –Supportive environment –Training and education MethodsMethods Cooperation with occupational doctor and safety engineerCooperation with occupational doctor and safety engineer sodelovanje s timom izvajalca MDPŠ in strokovnim delavcem za varnost pri delu, –roki (časovnica), –spremljanje in evalvacija.

25 3rd step Programme planning 2./2 Timelines (deadlines / responsible persons / providers)Timelines (deadlines / responsible persons / providers) Monitoring and evaluationMonitoring and evaluation

26 4th step Implementation Placing the programme in time and spacePlacing the programme in time and space Responsible person/sResponsible person/s Resolving problems on timeResolving problems on time

27 Three levels of WMHP Improving MH and prevention of MH problems,Improving MH and prevention of MH problems, Early detection and treatment of mental and behavioural disorders,Early detection and treatment of mental and behavioural disorders, Return to work programmes.Return to work programmes.

28 WMHP Expected benefits,Expected benefits, Programme philosophy,Programme philosophy, Programme aim and objectives,Programme aim and objectives, Target group/s and implementators,Target group/s and implementators, Supportive environment measures,Supportive environment measures, Trainig content,Trainig content, Programme duration,Programme duration, Evaluation and documentationEvaluation and documentation

29 Possible actions on the organizational level Work organizationWork organization Ecological actionsEcological actions Technological actionsTechnological actions Information and communication systemInformation and communication system Education systemEducation system MH education and trainingMH education and training Organization of supportive actionsOrganization of supportive actions

30 Possible actions on the individual level MH education Strengthening of internal power Values, objectives and priorities reflection Effective time management Positive approach to problem solving Seeking and accepting support and help Correct relationships and effective communication Fitness and healthy lifestyle Relaxation – efforts balance Lifelong education in order to work effectively Career planning

31 Some considerations

32 Challenges Stigma related to people with MH problemsStigma related to people with MH problems –Difficulties with employment, risk to become unemployed –victims (bullying, aggressive actions) Lack of professional support for employersLack of professional support for employers Parcial WMHP measures – individually directed, no measures for supportive environmentParcial WMHP measures – individually directed, no measures for supportive environment Occupational health specialists’ roleOccupational health specialists’ role Scarce possibilities for employers training in WMHPScarce possibilities for employers training in WMHP

33 Thank you for your attention Everyone counts

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