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Supporting a census in the Democratic Republic of Congo Kim Bradford Smith, DFID.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting a census in the Democratic Republic of Congo Kim Bradford Smith, DFID."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting a census in the Democratic Republic of Congo Kim Bradford Smith, DFID

2 Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

3 What is the population of DRC? Pick a number!

4 Census plans and progress Enumeration due December 2013 Last census was 1984 Lack of staff, resources and establishment of required census agencies Over $100 funding gap No finalised census project document Not really started mapping yet

5 Plans for innovation Learning from Brazil GIS/PDA experience Piloting on mapping phase Time and quality improvements expected over ‘traditional’ methods Plan to use technology for future surveys and build geo- referenced databases

6 Some challenges … Limited infrastructure – eg roads DRC = 2.3m square kilometres just 3,000km of 152,000km of paved roads Capacity (INS & donors) 30% of INS staff have only a primary education 34% of INS staff at retirement age in 4 years Nearly totally reliant on external funds for activities (Budget execution rate of around 29% from Government)

7 Current IT department

8 Technical challenges … Timescale Plan, test, pilot & do a census in 18 months! Quality Ensuring quality of enumeration when limited education ability Security Still areas prone to conflict/insecurity Infrastructure Using PDAs in remote areas with limited or no electricity

9 Questions?

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