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Addysg sector gofal ac ymwybyddiaeth iaith Care sector education and language awareness Gwenan Prysor Rhaglen Dysgu Ymarfer Gogledd Cymru North Wales Practice.

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Presentation on theme: "Addysg sector gofal ac ymwybyddiaeth iaith Care sector education and language awareness Gwenan Prysor Rhaglen Dysgu Ymarfer Gogledd Cymru North Wales Practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Addysg sector gofal ac ymwybyddiaeth iaith Care sector education and language awareness Gwenan Prysor Rhaglen Dysgu Ymarfer Gogledd Cymru North Wales Practice Teaching Programme Sioned Williams Cyngor Gofal Cymru Care Council For Wales

2 Rôl y Cyngor Gofal The Care Council’s Role Pwyslais ar ddarpariaeth Gymraeg Annog dewis Iaith Hyfforddiant Gweithwyr Cymdeithasol Cyhoeddiadau Gweithio drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg Ffeithiau a ffigurau am y sector Emphasis on Welsh Language provision Encourage language choice Social Work Training Publications Working through the medium of Welsh Facts and figures about the sector

3 CYFLWYNIAD 22/04/2010 Gweithgaredd Galluogwyr Gyrrywyr Delfryd : Defnyddwyr Gwasanaeth yn teimlo y cânt gyfleu eu hunain yn effeithiol a’u deall 1. Deddfwriaeth Deddf yr Iaith Gymraeg 1993 Hyrwyddo dewis iaith 2. Theori Defnyddio theoriau ehangach a chyfarwydd gwaith cymdeithasol i gynyddu dealltwriaeth o ymddysiad ieithyddol a phatrymau defnydd iaith 3. Ymarfer Bod yn ieithyddol sensitif o fewn anghenion defnyddwyr gwasanaeth 1.1 Llunio Cynllun Iaith sy’n gosod allan fwriadau’r asiantaeth a’r hyn y gall defnyddwyr gwasanaeth ei ddisgwyl gan yr asiantaeth o ran dwyieithrwydd 1.2 Darparu gwasanaethau drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg (cyrff cyhoeddus) 1. Deddfwriaeth 3. Ymarfer2. Theori 3.1 Arddel agweddau cadarnhaol tuag at y Gymraeg a’i siaradwyr 3.2 Gweithwyr proffesiynol yn ymrymuso defnyddwyr drwy adnabod eu sgiliau a’u diffygion eu hunain 2.1 Annog a chynyddu dealltwriaeth y gweithlu o botensial gorthrwm ieithyddol 2.2 Annog gweithwyr i gydnabod a defnyddio’r sgiliau sydd ganddynt yn barod, waeth pa mor gyfyngedig GweledigaethPerchnogaethYmrwymiadArweiniad Rhaid wrth arweiniad ‘byw’ a rhagweithiol i hyrwyddo yr agenda hon Rhaid i staff uwch gymeryd cyfrifoldeb strategol i sicrhau datblygiad parhaus yn nwyieithrwydd y gyfundrefn Rhaid i staff fod yn deall pwysigrwydd ac effaith gwneud a pheidio gwneud hyn Rhaid cael gweledigaeth gref sy’n ddeniadol a’i buddiannau’n ddealladwy

4 PRESENTATION 22/04/2010 Activities Enablers Drivers Ideal : Service users feel that they can express themselves effectively and be understood 1. Legislation Welsh Language Act 1993 Promoting language choice 2. Theory Using wider and more familiar social work theories to enhance understanding of linguistic behaviour and patterns of language use 3. Practice Being linguistically sensitive within service users’ needs 1.1 Formulate a Language Scheme that sets out the agency’s aims and what service users can expect from the agency in terms of bilingualism 1.2 Provide services through the medium of Welsh (public bodies) 1. Legislation 3. Practice2. Theory 3.1 To espouse positive attitudes towards the Welsh Language and its speakers 3.2 Professional staff empowering service users by identifying their own skills and skills deficits 2.1 To encourage and enhance the workforce’s understanding of the potential of linguistic oppression 2.2 Encourage staff to acknowledge and use the skills that they already have, however limited VisionOwnershipCommitmentLeadership ‘Live’ and proactive leadership is required to promote this agenda Senior staff must take strategic responsibility to ensure the ongoing development of a bilingualism organisation Staff must understand the importance and impact of doing this and not doing this A strong vision is needed that is attractive and its benefits clear and compelling

5 Egwyddorion ymwybyddiaeth iaith Principles of language sensitivity Cynnig i’r cyhoedd yng Nghymru yr hawl i ddewis pa iaith i’w defnyddio wrth ddelio gyda’r sefydliad Cydnabod gall pobl fynegi eu barn a’u hanghenion yn well yn eu dewis iaith Cydnabod bod rhoi dewis yn arfer dda, nid goddefiad Cydnabod y gall gwadu’r hawl i ddefnyddio dewis iaith roi person mewn sefyllfa anfanteisiol Offering the public in Wales the right to choose in which language they wish to communicate with the organisation Recognising that people are better able to express their views and needs in their language of choice Recognising that offering choice is good practice, not tolerance Acknowledging that denying the right to use their language of choice can disadvantage people Welsh Language Board 1996Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg 1996

6 Welsh Language Board 1996Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg 1996 Cyhoeddiadau Newydd New Publications

7 A/e-introduction.htm

8 Ymwybyddiaeth Iaith Language Awareness

9 Pwysigrwydd iaith mewn gwaith cymdeithasol Iaith a gwerthoedd personol Iaith ac asesu (neu gam-asesu) Iaith a darparu gwasanaethau The importance of language in social work Language and personal values Language and assessment (or wrongful assessment) Language and service provision

10 Gwerthoedd a Moeseg Gwaith Cymdeithasol Ymwybyddiaeth o werthoedd personol, rhagfarnau, cyfyng-gyngor moesegol, gwrthdaro buddiannau a’u hoblygiadau o ran ymarfer Parchu pob person fel unigolyn Cydnabod a hwyluso’r defnydd a wnaiff pob unigolyn o’u dewis iaith a ffurf cyfathrebu Gwerthfawrogi, cydnabod a pharchu amrywiaeth, arbenigedd a phrofiad unigolion, Cyfathrebu mewn ffordd agored, gywir a dealladwy Herio gwahaniaethu, anfantais anghydraddoldeb ac anghyfiawnder Social Work Values and Ethics Awareness of personal values, prejudices, ethical dilemmas, conflict of interests and their implications for practice Respect for each person as an individual Recognise and facilitate each person’s use of the language and form of communication of their choice Value, recognise and respect the diversity, expertise and experience Communicate in an open, accurate and understandable way Challenge discrimination, disadvantage, inequality and injustice

11 Dysgu Ymarfer Practice Teaching Cwrs 7 diwrnod sy’n ystyried: Gofynion hyfforddiant gwaith cymdeithasol Theori dysgu oedolion Defnyddio goruchwyliaeth ac adborth Egwyddorion asesu Cymhwyso theori ac ymarfer Ymarfer gwrth orthrymol a gwrth wahaniaethol Ymwybyddiaeth a sensitifrwydd iaith 7 day programme including the following: Social work training requirements Adult learning theories Using supervision and feedback Assessment principles Applying theory and practice Anti-discriminatory and anti- oppressive practice Language awareness and sensitivity

12 Esblygiad Sylfaen Werthoedd Evolving Value Base Profiad Ymateb i’r profiad Gwerthfawrogi Trefnu Mewnoli Receiving Phenomena Responding to Phenomena Valuing Organisation Internalising values

13 Esblygiad Sylfaen Werthoedd Evolving Value Base Beth mae’r Gymraeg yn ei olygu i chi? Delweddau Agweddau What does the Welsh language mean to you? Images Attitudes

14 Dysgu Gwybodaeth Gwybodaeth Dealltwriaeth Cymhwyso Dadansoddi Synthesis Gwerthuso Knowledge Acquisition Knowledge Evaluation Application Analysis Synthesis Comprehension

15 Dysgu Gwybodaeth Ffeithiau a data Cyfrifiad Hanes yr iaith Profiad byd eang Theorïau ieithyddol Materion socio- ieithyddol Facts and data Census History of the language The global experience Linguistic theories Sociolinguistic matters

16 Dysgu Sgiliau Skills Aquisition Canfyddiad Parodrwydd / paratoi Ymateb dan arweiniad Dulliau / mecanwaith Hyfedredd Addasu Gwreiddioldeb Perception Mindset Guided Response Methods / Mechanism Proficiency Adaptation Origination

17 Dysgu Sgiliau Skills Aquisition ... fel gweithiwr cymdeithasol ... fel athro/awes ymarfer sy’n galluogi eraill....... as a social worker........ as a practice Teacher enabling others

18 Pwysigrwydd unrhyw wahaniaeth ieithyddol mewn unrhyw faes Iaith a gwerthoedd personol Iaith ac asesu (neu gam-asesu) Iaith a darparu gwasanaethau The importance of linguistic difference in any profession Language and personal values Language and assessment (or wrongful assessment) Language and service provision

19 …ac i gloi.. To Conclude Pwysig delio hefo’r materion personol fel nad yw’n effeithio ar y dasg broffesiynol Newid meddylfryd a ffrâm gyfeirio yn effeithio ar ymddygiad ac ymarfer Deall ymddygiad ieithyddol = deall person, ei ddehongliad o’r byd, a’i ddehongliad o’i fyd ei hun Cynyddu sgiliau i ddeall, asesu a darparu gwasanaethau effeithiol Important to deal with the personal issues so that they don’t affect the professional task Changing the mindset and reference frame affects behaviour and practice Understand linguistic behaviour = understand the person, their interpretation of the world, and his/her interpretation of their own world Increase skills to understand, assess and provide effective services

20 Language is not about being understood Language is about not being misunderstood Athroniaeth Groegaidd

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