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The Secondary Pathways in Mathematics Selecting Math Courses for Grade 10.

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Presentation on theme: "The Secondary Pathways in Mathematics Selecting Math Courses for Grade 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Secondary Pathways in Mathematics Selecting Math Courses for Grade 10

2 The Secondary Mathematics Courses Mathematics 9 Math 11 Common Course for Foundations of Mathematics and Pre ‑ Calculus 10 Workplace and Apprenticeship Mathematics 10 Math 21 Foundations of Mathematics 20 Workplace and Apprenticeship Mathematics 20 Pre-Calculus 20 (The student has met the minimum requirement for math courses in order to graduate.) Foundations of Mathematics 30 Workplace and Apprenticeship Mathematics 30 Pre-Calculus 30 Calculus 30

3 The Pathways in Mathematics There is no hierarchy among the three pathways. They are different types of mathematics for different purposes. Students choose the appropriate math pathway(s) based on what best meets their interests and needs after high school. Workplace and Apprenticeship Math provides students with the mathematical understandings and critical thinking skills necessary for entry into the majority of trades and direct entry into the workforce. Foundations of Math provides students with the mathematical understandings and critical thinking skills necessary for post secondary studies in programs that do not require Calculus. PreCalculus provides students with the mathematical understandings and critical thinking skills necessary for entry into post-secondary programs which require Calculus.

4 Students registering for Grade 10 There are 3 Math courses available at the 10-level for students who do not register in Pre-IB 10:  Math 11  Workplace and Apprenticeship Mathematics 10  Foundations of Mathematics and PreCalculus 10 Math 11 is a modified course. This is for the students who are struggling with Math 9. You must talk to your Math teacher if you are considering this option. There are two additional options that appear on the registration form – Yearlong Workplace and Apprenticeship Mathematics 10 and Yearlong Foundations of Math and PreCalculus 10. These courses will cover the same content abut will be extended over two semesters. Students who are considering one of these options should talk to their Math teacher. All other Grade 10 students should be selecting both WA 10 and FP 10. This will mean that they can select 3 other electives.

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