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WARM UP…EXTRA CREDIT!!! ► Turn to page 994 ► Read: Mikhail Gorbachev: Perestroika ► Complete the Analyzing Primary Resources questions ► SPACE IS PROVIDED.

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Presentation on theme: "WARM UP…EXTRA CREDIT!!! ► Turn to page 994 ► Read: Mikhail Gorbachev: Perestroika ► Complete the Analyzing Primary Resources questions ► SPACE IS PROVIDED."— Presentation transcript:

1 WARM UP…EXTRA CREDIT!!! ► Turn to page 994 ► Read: Mikhail Gorbachev: Perestroika ► Complete the Analyzing Primary Resources questions ► SPACE IS PROVIDED AT BOTTOM OF TODAY’S WORK

2 The Rise and Fall of the USSR and the New Eastern Europe C33 sections 4&5 JOIN ME ON PAGE 843 EQs: What happened to the Soviets as a result of the Cold War? Why did the USSR collapse? How did Eastern Europe re-emerge in the late 20 th century?

3 The USSR, A Summary: 1950s – 1990s ► When Stalin died in 1953, a brief power struggle led to the rise of Nikita Krushchev (2 across)…his first declaration to the West was “we will bury you” which meant that the USSR would go to the front of all areas of technology, science and industry…also promoted de- Stalinization by freeing prisoners and easing censorship ► In 1957, the USSR proved this to be true as they launched Sputnik (3 down), the first artificial satellite to orbit the earth, thus beginning the great Space Race ► While in power, Khrushchev found himself engaged in several international incidents, including the rebellions in Hungary (9 down) in 1956 (led by then dictator Imre Nagy) and Cuban Missile Crisis (with the US in 1962)

4 The USSR, A Summary: 1950s – 1990s ► Khrushchev was forced to step down in 1964 ► Leonid Breznev (5 down) took over, promising to crush dissidents (people who spoke out against the government) in Russia and Eastern Europe ► Brezhnev made good on his promises…in 1968, he used the Soviet Red Army to crush an uprising known as the “Prague Spring” in Czechoslovakia (14 across) led by then dictator Alexander Dubcek. ► Another one of Brezhnev’s decisive acts was to promote Russian nationalism and crush ethnic minorities…one group he focused his attention on was Muslims…to protect this position, Russia invaded Afghanistan (18 across) in 1979…this move caused tension between the West and the USSR

5 The USSR, A Summary: 1950s – 1990s ► After Brezhnev, the USSR had a few Premiers rule who did not live very long (mainly because they were OLD MEN), which started to shake the foundation and confidence of the people in the government ► Russia also began to see its stranglehold on Eastern Europe crumble, as in Poland (15 across), a new movement known as Solidarity came to power under Lech Walesa ► In 1985, a new Premier, Mikhail Gorbachev (10 down) came to power promising reforms…it was these reforms that helped usher in the end of the Soviet Union

6 The USSR, A Summary: 1950s – 1990s ► Gorbachev noted that the USSR was continually suffering from poor agriculture, lack of consumer goods and too much spending on the military (Afghanistan) ► Gorbachev promoted TWO principles  1. Perestroika (13 down) (which you read about in the warm up) a restructuring of the government and the economy  2. Glasnost (16 down), meaning openness, no more censorship by the state and an absorption of western culture ► These plans tamed the USSR but also caused its downfall…a coup attempted to remove Gorbachev from power in 1991 as the Baltic (7 across) states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania seized the opportunity to declare independence from the USSR, as did other states (Ukraine, the Caucuses, the “Stans” through nationalism) months after ► On Christmas Day 1991, Gorbachev finally stepped down and the USSR was officially dissolved

7 Changes in Eastern Europe ► Even before the USSR collapsed, some countries refused to follow its lead, one was Yugoslavia (12 down)…ruled by Josef Tito, they refused to be controlled by the USSR but remained Communist ► However, when the USSR fell, trouble started…in the 1990s, the Serbs who controlled Yugoslavia wanted to purify it of all non-Christian, non-Serb peoples ► In Bosnia (17 across) and Kosovo (19 across), Serbians attempted to “ethnically cleanse” the population in order to restore order ► A civil war broke out which was eventually resolved in 1995 when Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia sign the Dayton Accords (8 down)

8 Changes in Eastern Europe ► The collapse of the USSR influenced great change in Eastern European politics ► In 1989 several dictators in Eastern Europe fell…one of the most notable to fall was Nicolae Ceausescu (11 down) who refused to give up power…he and his wife were herded out of their lavish palace and executed on Christmas Day, 1989 ► Slobodan Milosevic (20 across) was eventually removed from power in Serbia in 2000 and put on trial for genocide the same year…he died in prison in 2006

9 The New Russian Republic ► Boris Yeltsin (6 across) the new president of Russia in 1992, faced many problems…he tried to privatize state run industries, however, corruption ensued. ► The changeover to a market economy caused unemployment to soar and prices to skyrocket…many resorted to alcoholism (Vodka)…Criminals flourished, and gangs preyed on the new business class (Russian Mafia). ► In 1998, Russia defaulted, or failed to make payments, on much of its foreign debt…The value of Russia’s currency collapsed (you can get a Russian ruble for $0.04). People lost their savings and their jobs. ► Minorities within Russia sought greater autonomy or independence, such as Chechnya (1 down) in 1994 ► Vladimir Putin (4 across) became president in 2000…many feared him as a new dictator because of his tough policies and his former ties to the KGB…he was “scheduled” to handover the presidency on May 7, 2008 to Dmitry Medvedev

10 For the remainder of the period… ► Complete reading quizzes (Pg. 843- 853) ► MAP QUIZ TOMORROW…STUDY/PRACTICE!!! ► Introduction of Final Course Projects tomorrow

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