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Andy Meyers Bonneville Power Administration Market Interface Committee Update ISAS April 2015 Salt Lake City, UT.

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Presentation on theme: "Andy Meyers Bonneville Power Administration Market Interface Committee Update ISAS April 2015 Salt Lake City, UT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Andy Meyers Bonneville Power Administration Market Interface Committee Update ISAS April 2015 Salt Lake City, UT

2 2 Market Issues Subcommittee (MIS) & Seams Issues Subcommittee (SIS) o Subcommittees were combined to form MSIS  Jim Price (CAISO) – MSIS Chair  Steve Buening (Xcel) – MSIS Vice Chair o Continue to support the work being done regarding the Merchant Alert Protocol MIC Update

3 3 2015 MIC Goals 1.Provide forums to inform and educate the MIC membership on issues, current and emerging, concerning implementation of new markets, and the interdependency of the electric and natural gas industries. and the recent gas- electric harmonization efforts. 2. Develop and implement a process to address items from the Purpose/Responsibility section of the MIC Charter: Item b.Evaluate the impact of relevant reliability rules on commercial electricity markets in the Western Interconnection. Item c.Evaluate the impact of Commercial Practices on electric system reliability Item d.Evaluate the impact of system reliability on commercial electricity markets MIC Update

4 4 2015 MIC Goals Cont’d 3.Facilitate discussion and training for entities within the Western Interconnection on relevant regulatory and commercial standards, criteria, guidelines, and practices (e.g., NERC, NAESB, and WECC) 4.Monitor and provide input to the Enhanced Curtailment Calculator Advisory Committee (ECCAC).  Review the deliverables of the Enhanced Curtailment Calculator Advisory Committee (ECCAC)  Track similar national efforts (Parallel Flow Visualization, etc.) 5.Continue with the analysis of the effects of Reliability Based Control (RBC) and Unscheduled Flows (USF) on Interconnection reliability and market impacts. MIC Update

5 5 6.Support the WECC bifurcation activities 7.Review the Market Interface Committee, and its sub committees, organizational structure and make changes as deemed necessary based on industry evolution 8. Continue to manage MIC scope overlap issues, should they arise, consistent with the concepts identified in the White Paper on the Effectiveness of WECC Standing Committees provided to the Governance and Nominating Committee 9. Provide subject matter expertise, and increase communication, to / with the WECC Members Advisory Committee (MAC), the RCCO MAC, the WECC Board of Directors (BOD), the RCCO BOD, and WECC Staff on both an as-requested and on a self-initiated basis MIC Update

6 6 MIC Leadership o New leadership terms beginning July 2015  Kathy Anderson (Idaho Power) – MIC Chair  Andy Meyers (Bonneville Power) – MIC Vice Chair Next Meeting o Week of July 13 th, 2015 – Webinar Only o Week of October 12 th, 2015 – Salt Lake City MIC Update

7 Questions? Andy Meyers – Bonneville Power Administration (

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