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1 Preparing Engineers for the Global Supply Chain in Manufacturing By Bob Lahidji, Ph.D., Director, School of Engineering Technology Walter Tucker, Ph.D.,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Preparing Engineers for the Global Supply Chain in Manufacturing By Bob Lahidji, Ph.D., Director, School of Engineering Technology Walter Tucker, Ph.D.,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Preparing Engineers for the Global Supply Chain in Manufacturing By Bob Lahidji, Ph.D., Director, School of Engineering Technology Walter Tucker, Ph.D., Professor of Quality Management Eastern Michigan University Ypsilanti, Michigan

2 2 Preparing Engineers … BIENVENIDOS de los EEUU Engineering technology faculty at University E (UE) have developed curricula which prepare graduates to work in the globalized supply chain.

3 Preparing Engineers … The globalization of the automotive supply chain has created a number of issues not addressed in typical engineering curricula: Convergence of global quality systems based on ISO Language and culture issues Data communications Common design/analysis software Multi-site/multi country design/manufacturing

4 4 Preparing Engineers… Preparing engineers for an integrated global design/manufacturing should enhance their career prospects. Many institutions have externships and semester abroad experiences available for undergraduate students.

5 5 Preparing Engineers … At UE, most engineering technology undergraduates are non-traditional and most work part or full time. They need experience working in a multi-national company environment. This experience can be gained by placing them in firms with multi- national environment during their internships(co-op). Preparation for the global economy can also be integrated into regular coursework.

6 6 Preparing Engineers … Faculty can prepare themselves to participate in the global design and manufacturing activities. Consulting, summer employment, and sabbatical leaves can permit the insider view of global supply chains as a practitioner. Integrating experiences from real life into classes becomes second nature for faculty.

7 7 Preparing Engineers… Using actual prints, data files, simulations, quality documentation and other materials (with permission, of course) forces the student out of the more typical textbook world of college classes.

8 8 Preparing Engineers… During a sabbatical leave faculty, especially faculty with command of a language other than English, can work in the global supply chain. A second language for faculty can be useful but is not mandatory. Math data and part prints need little translation.

9 9 Preparing Engineers… Engineering technology students in capstone courses at UE have already engaged in product design and development for parts made in China based on US Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) requirements.

10 10 Preparing Engineers … This capstone activity has been very successful – resulting in new designs for actual production parts.

11 11 Preparing Engineers … Students with this type of experience are readily moving into the workplace with highly relevant job experience prior to graduation. This form of capstone project will be extended over the next two years to involve Chinese undergraduate students working directly with US undergraduate engineering technology students at UE in a similar project.

12 12 Preparing Engineers… One bilingual Chinese-English UE SET faculty will be engaged in the study of product design and development/engineering technology curricula in China next year. As part of his work, UE SET students will be linked via computer with Chinese students to co-design actual parts to be made in China and later installed in vehicles in the US.

13 13 Preparing Engineers … Senior undergraduate engineering technology students in the US and China will form product design and development teams using the internet to share files, video conferencing, and co-develop an automotive part. They will all work under the mentorship of the UE SET engineering technology faculty member temporarily located in China for the sabbatical study.

14 14 Preparing Engineers… The project will be supported and executed by a tier one supplier using the student groups in both countries as unofficial subcontractors. This arrangement provides a great deal of built-in assistance while also granting a high level of autonomy for the students.

15 15 Preparing Engineers … Students activities include: Fundamental Design Supplier Evaluation Managing Design Support Managing Engineering Changes Creating and Monitoring Logistic Support Supply Chain Management Delivery Logistics Managing Risks Integrating Compliance to TS 16949:2009 Automotive Industry Quality Standard

16 16 Preparing Engineers … Conclusion This paper contains some examples of how students (especially non-traditional students) can gain critical experiences in global manufacturing. Faculty have the professional responsibility to prepare themselves in the elements of a highly dispersed and complex globalized world of manufacturing. Faculty qualified and experienced in the global manufacturing industries can lead by example and provide unique learning experiences for their students.

17 17 Preparing Engineers … Conclusion: Lessons Learned ABET accredited curricula continue as the essential core of engineering technology education. Faculty can prepare themselves for the global supply chain and enhance themselves professionally while expanding opportunities for their students. There must be administrative support for these globalization efforts.

18 18 Preparing Engineers … Conclusion: Lessons Learned Questions or Comments?

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