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A New Era Begins Common Core: The Future Begins Now.

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Presentation on theme: "A New Era Begins Common Core: The Future Begins Now."— Presentation transcript:

1 A New Era Begins Common Core: The Future Begins Now

2 Why Common Core

3 Common Core in 3 minutes

4 What are the Common Core State Standards? ➢ They are K-12 standards in English Language Arts and Math designed to prepare students to be prepared for two to four year colleges or the workplace. ➢ The standards are written for all stakeholders, as they are clear to exactly what the expectations are for each standard in reading, writing, speaking and listening, and math. ➢ There will now be greater consistency in the expectations of specific similar standards from state to state, unlike in previous years. ➢ There is an equity piece to the Common Core Standards in that no matter the level of socio-economic status or the area students reside in, they will all have equal access to these standards.

5 Where are we now?

6 Reading

7 Common Core and Assessments Students will be able to: 1. Justify answers 2. Show the strategy they used to solve a real- world problem 3. Explain why ❖ Students can check their scores and set goals for themselves ❖ We are preparing students for future jobs ❖ Student data is a great communication piece to share to support learning at home

8 Common Core English Language Arts 3 Shifts 1. Regular practice with complex texts and their academic language 2. Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from texts, both literary and informational 3. Building knowledge through content- rich nonfiction

9 ELA Video

10 Common Core Math 3 Major Shifts 1. Focus- Fewer standards focus on the skill that students need to master. Skills to be taught in more depth 2. Coherence- New concepts build upon previously learned concepts. Math concepts are linked together 3. Rigor- actual understanding of the mathematical practice, perform math operations with speed and accuracy, and apply math knowledge to real-world situations

11 Math Video

12 Common Core and Technology

13 The Four C’s Creativity Critical Thinking Communication Collaboration

14 BPMS 2014 Plan We have increased Teacher Team Plan time to: Professional Development Focus on 21 st Century Learning Data Collection Data Analysis Disciplinary Literacy College& Career Lessons Student Engaged Homework Writing Across the Curriculum Inter-rater Reliability And More

15 What are some instructional differences? ➢ Real-World Application ➢ Higher-ordered thinking Skills ➢ Text-Dependent Questions ➢ Close Reading ➢ Cornell Note-Taking (Cornell University) ➢ Teach Like a Historian (Stanford University) ➢ Project-Based Learning ➢ Research Papers and presentations ➢ Depth not Breadth Curriculum and Instruction

16 Stakeholders Every member of this community working together, for the sake of our children, will make a positive difference in their lives.

17 Questions?

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