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Introduction to Physical Science “What is Physical Science?”

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1 Introduction to Physical Science “What is Physical Science?”

2 Intro “What is Physical Science?” Science A way of learning about the natural world through observations and logical reasoning (Scientific Method.) Science includes all the knowledge gained by exploring nature. Observation Using one or more of the five senses to gather information. Qualitative Observation Descriptions that don’t involve numbers or measurements.

3 Quantitative Observation Measurements Inferrance Based on reasoning from what you already know. Predicting Making a forecast of what will happen in the future based on experience or evidence. Intro “What is Physical Science?” (cont.)

4 Physical Science The study of matter, energy, and the changes they undergo (Chemistry & Physics) Chemistry is the study of the properties matter and how matter changes. Physics is the study of matter and energy and how they interact. Intro

5 Scientific Inquiry The ongoing process of discovery in science The Process Involves Posing questions, Developing hypotheses, Designing experiments, Collecting and interpreting data, drawing conclusions, and Communicating ideas and results Intro

6 Scientific Inquiry (cont.) Posing Questions Are all questions scientific? Hypothesis A possible answer to a scientific question or an explanation for a set of observations. (An educated Guess) A hypothesis must be testable. Intro

7 Scientific Inquiry (cont.) Variable Any factor that can change in an experiment Independent variable Dependent variable Control variable A controlled experiment is one in which all the variables except one remain the same.

8 Intro Scientific Inquiry (cont.) Data Facts, figures and other evidence gathered (learned) through observations Drawing Conclusions Communicating Communicating is sharing ideas and conclusions with others through writing and speaking.

9 Intro Scientific Inquiry (cont.) Scientific Model A picture, diagram, computer image, or other representation of an object or a process Scientific Law Is a statement that describes what scientists expect to happen every time under a particular set of conditions

10 Scientific Inquiry (cont.) Scientific Theory Is a well tested idea that explains and connects a wide range of observations Intro

11 Science Laboratory Safety Where is the Safety Equipment in School? Fire Extinguisher Material Safety Data Sheets Phone (Your cell phone might not work.) Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) When an accident occurs, no matter how minor, notify me immediately. Then, Listen to my directions and carry them out quickly. Intro

12 Science Laboratory Safety Clean up after the Lab. Put things away where and in the condition in which you got them. Respect other’s property. Leave the class clean and organized. Intro

13 What is Technology Technology A way of changing the natural world to meet human needs or solve problems (Using science principles to solve practical problems) Engineer Someone who is trained to use both technological and scientific knowledge to solve practical problems

14 What is Technology Process: Often, engineers follow a common process: They Identify a need, research the problem, design a solution, build a prototype, troubleshoot and redesign, and communicate the solution. Brainstorming A process in which team members freely suggest any creative solutions that come to mind Intro

15 What is Technology Trade-Off An exchange in which one benefit is given up in order to obtain another Troubleshooting The process of analyzing a design problem and finding a way to fix it Intro

16 What is Technology System All systems are made of parts that work together. A technological system includes a goal, inputs, processes, outputs, and, in some cases, feedback Throughout history, from the Stone Age to the Information Age today, technology has had a large impact on society. Intro

17 What is Technology In deciding whether to use a particular technology, people must analyze its possible risks and benefits. Intro

18 What is Technology New Technology in your life? Other recent Technologies Intro

19 Basic Skills Notes Think Like a Scientist (page 778 - 779) Observing - Using one of your five senses to gather information Inferring - interpreting an observation Predicting - making an inference about a future event based on current evidence or past experience Classifying - grouping together items that are alike in some way

20 Intro Think Like a Scientist (cont.) Making Models - representation of a complex process Communicating - process of sharing ideas and information with other people

21 Intro Measurements SI Prefixes (pg 780-781) PrefixSymbolMeaning kilok1000 hectoh100 dekada10 decid0.1 (1/10) centic0.01 (1/100) millim0.001 (1/1000)

22 Intro Measurements (cont.) Length - meter (m) Volume - liter (L) Mass - gram (g) Temperature - Celsius (  C) Time - sec (s)

23 Intro Converting units top/bottom method Examples & Activities

24 Intro Conducting a Scientific Investigation (Scientific Method pg. 782-783 ) Posing Questions Developing a hypothesis Designing an experiment Interpreting Data Drawing conclusions

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