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2008-09 Driver Inservice1 Behavior Challenges: Big Buses, Little Buses, All Buses.

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Presentation on theme: "2008-09 Driver Inservice1 Behavior Challenges: Big Buses, Little Buses, All Buses."— Presentation transcript:

1 2008-09 Driver Inservice1 Behavior Challenges: Big Buses, Little Buses, All Buses

2 2008-09 Driver Inservice2 Group Discussion Discuss behavior characteristics of all students, both basic and special. Note the similar characteristics between the two.

3 2008-09 Driver Inservice3 Characteristics of all Children Children are children. –Loud, excitable, impulsive, inexperienced people. –Argumentative & demanding. –Tantrums. –Limited attention spans. –Tend to bully.

4 2008-09 Driver Inservice4 Definition of Bullying Bullying: Hitting, name-calling, exclusion, or other behavior that is meant to hurt another person.

5 2008-09 Driver Inservice5 Bullying on the School Bus Bullies have a captive audience with limited adult supervision. Bullying causes fear and should be recognized and addressed. Harassment by other students, by legal definition fundamentally alters the educational experience. State laws and district policies have made bullying illegal and/or unacceptable.

6 2008-09 Driver Inservice6 Group Discussion Are students with disabilities less likely to misbehave than non-disabled students?

7 2008-09 Driver Inservice7 Behavior Strategies Elements for successful behavior management are: –Consistency. –Firm but fair, rules. –The power of positive. –Modeling successful behavior. –Behaviors to avoid. –Know when to ask for assistance.

8 2008-09 Driver Inservice8 Group Discussion Which behavior management technique works best for you?

9 2008-09 Driver Inservice9

10 10 Breaking the Conflict Spiral Identifying conflict spirals. Reasons for the behavior. Acknowledgement and validation. Punishment versus learning.

11 2008-09 Driver Inservice11 Group Discussion How can a driver avoid falling into the conflict spiral? What has worked for you?

12 2008-09 Driver Inservice12 Defusing a Potential Fight Awareness and anticipation. –Know your students, watch for sudden changes in behavior. –Anticipate and try to diffuse. –Use assigned seating. What to do if you can’t diffuse? –Call for help. –Stay out of it, don’t wade in. –Yell student’s names, use broken record method. –No magic bullets. –Follow district policy.

13 2008-09 Driver Inservice13 Documentation If it’s not documented, it didn’t happen. It provides feedback. It helps determine trigger points. It helps educators evaluate the appropriateness of a student’s IEP. State the facts using outline form. Review your district policies and procedures.

14 2008-09 Driver Inservice14 Best Practice Background Special needs students & discipline. Determined on case-by-case basis. Limitations.

15 2008-09 Driver Inservice15 Evaluation Explain the legal restraints on discipline for students with IEP’s. Describe two of the key elements of successful behavior management. Explain two ways to manage a conflict spiral. Explain key elements to use in defusing a potential fight on the bus. Explain why the documentation process is important. Give the definition of bullying.

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