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Challenge Question: How would I like my performance on the job to be evaluated ? Self-Test Questions: 1.Why are some types of skills better assessed through.

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Presentation on theme: "Challenge Question: How would I like my performance on the job to be evaluated ? Self-Test Questions: 1.Why are some types of skills better assessed through."— Presentation transcript:

1 Challenge Question: How would I like my performance on the job to be evaluated ? Self-Test Questions: 1.Why are some types of skills better assessed through performance measures? 2.How do you determine when to use performance tests? 3.How do you develop performance tests? 4.How do you fairly and consistently evaluate performance tests? Tasks: 1.Questions? 2.Notes on G-Chapter 9, B-Chapter 5 3.Look at examples and critique 4.Determine appropriate performance tests for Qatar standards Performance Tests RelationshipsLESSON TOPIC UNIT or BACKGROUND Day 15 is about Interpreting and Evaluating Grading and reporting Standardized test scores Task-Related Strategies Description Self-questioning Performance tests Portfolio assessment using real-life situations and simulations to assess student skills Characteristics Identifying Determining Development guidelines Sample tests Examining Evaluation guidelines Developing

2 Challenge Question: How can I use portfolio assessment to demonstrate my skills as a teacher ? Self-Test Questions: 1.What are the different ways to use portfolio assessment? 2.How do you develop guidelines for development, maintenance and usage? 3.How do you evaluate portfolios fairly and consistently? Tasks: 1.Questions? 2.Notes on G-Chapter 10, B-Chapter 4 3.Look at examples of portfolio assignments 4.Develop guidelines for portfolio based on Qatar standards Portfolio Assessment RelationshipsLESSON TOPIC UNIT or BACKGROUND Day 1 6 is about Interpreting and Evaluating Grading and reporting Standardized test scores Task-Related Strategies Description Self-questioning Performance tests Portfolio assessment documenting achievement and performance through collecting artifacts Characteristics/ types Identifying Determining Entry selection criteria Maintenance & usage Determining Evaluation criteria Developing

3 Challenge Question: How can I be sure that the grades I give truly represent student achievement ? Self-Test Questions: 1.What do grades mean? 2.What types of bias can be involved in student grade reporting? 3.How are grades related to cheating? 4.How do you develop fair, consistent guidelines for assigning student grades? 5.How do you report student progress to students and families? Tasks: 1.Questions? 2.Notes on G-Chapter 11, B-Chapter 12 3.Discussion of meaning of grades 4.Develop grading plan Grading and reporting RelationshipsLESSON TOPIC UNIT or BACKGROUND Day 17 ways to accurately represent and report student knowledge and skills is about Interpreting and Evaluating Grading and reporting Standardized test scores Task-Related Strategies Description Self-questioning Basis and guidelines Cheating issues Grade report options Identifying Providing Implementing Evaluating Feedback to families Performance tests Portfolio assessments

4 Challenge Question: How will I ensure that I have a true understanding of my students’ knowledge and skills? Self-Test Questions: 1.How do you identify the correct assessment techniques to use in a given situation? 2.How do you ensure that you are addressing multiple intelligences in testing? 3.How is assessment incorporated into planning instruction? Tasks: 1.Questions about class? 2.Notes on G-Chapter 2 & B-Chapter 3 3.Discuss multiple intelligences- identify personal strengths Background & Definitions RelationshipsLESSON TOPIC UNIT or BACKGROUND Day 2 ensuring that you are adequately and appropriately testing what your students know Is about Planning for Assessment Terminology/ Reasons Nature of Assessment Educational Standards Test Specifications Task-Related Strategies Description Self-questioning Categories of Assessment Characteristics of assessments Assessment guidelines Multiple intelligences Identifying Understanding Following Addressing Challenge Question: How do standardized tests I have taken describe my knowledge and skills? Self-Test Questions: 1.What types of information are provided by standardized tests? 2.How do you accurately explain standardized test results to students and families? Tasks: 1.Questions? 2.Notes on G-Chapter 12, B-Chapter 12 3.Examine standardized test reports 4.Discuss potential sources of bias Standardized test scores RelationshipsLESSON TOPIC UNIT or BACKGROUND Day 18 accurately interpreting standardized test results to students and families is about Interpreting and Evaluating Task-Related Strategies Description Self-questioning Features of standardized tests Standard scores Student scores Identifying Defining Interpreting Norms and normal curve Grading and reporting Standardized test scores Performance tests Portfolio assessment

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