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Biotech Time Line A selection of highlights. Biotech Time Line Humans domesticate crops and livestock 4000 BC.

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Presentation on theme: "Biotech Time Line A selection of highlights. Biotech Time Line Humans domesticate crops and livestock 4000 BC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biotech Time Line A selection of highlights

2 Biotech Time Line Humans domesticate crops and livestock 4000 BC

3 Biotech Time Line 1660s Antoine van Leewenhoek discovers the microscope. Allows us to see the microscopic world, including bacteria.

4 Biotech Time Line 1797 Edward Jenner innoculates a child with viral vaccine against small pox.

5 Biotech Time Line 1857 Louis Pasteur proposes microbes cause fermentation.

6 Biotech Time Line 1865 An Austrian monk named Gregor Mendel begins his study of genetics while cross- breeding pea plants Father of Genetics

7 Biotech Time Line 1869 Johann Friedrich Miescher isolated and analyzed DNA as a macromolecule for the first time.

8 Biotech Time Line 1917 Karl Erecky first uses the term biotechnology in a book he publishes in Germany where he discusses converting raw materials into more use products.

9 Biotech Time Line 1943 Penicillin is mass-produced by Andrew Moyer just in time to help thousands of injured soldiers Sir Alexander Fleming is credited with its discovery in 1928.

10 Biotech Time Line 1944 Oswald Avery, along with MacLeod and McCarty, proves that genes and chromosomes are made of DNA

11 Biotech Time Line 1953 Watson and Crick publish the structure of DNA in the journal Nature. They received the Nobel Prize in Medicine along with Wilkins and Franklin

12 Biotech Time Line 1966 Marshall Nirenburg, along with Khorana and Holley, demonstrated the sequences of three bases (codons) on DNA determine each of the 20 amino acids Nobel prize

13 Biotech Time Line 1970 Restriction enzymes that cut genetic material and paste them together was discovered.

14 Biotech Time Line 1973 Cohen and Boyer create the first recombinant DNA technology that allows scientists to splice DNA from one organism into another

15 Biotech Time Line 1975 Kohler and Milstein produce monoclonal antibodies by fusing the specific antibody- producing plasma cells with a tumor cell Made way for a very effective diagnostic and therapeutic tool

16 Biotech Time Line 1978 California company, Genetech, is first company to produce a recombinant drug (insulin)

17 Biotech Time Line 1980 Diamond vs Chakrabarty Supreme Court Case ruled that genetically altered life can be patented by the one who altered it.

18 Biotech Time Line 1983 Kary Mullis creates the Polymerase Chain Reaction as a tool for amplifying, or copying, DNA in vitro.

19 Biotech Time Line 1984 Sir Alec Jeffreys develops the tool of DNA typing, also known as DNA fingerprinting Major tool used in forensics

20 Biotech Time Line 1986 First recombinant vaccine for humans was produced for hepatitis

21 Biotech Time Line 1997 Ian Wilmut successfully cloned the first mammal, a sheep named Dolly

22 Biotech Time Line 1998 First human embryonic stem cell lines were produced

23 Biotech Time Line 2003 Human Genome Project was completed. Started in 1990 with the task of sequencing every gene in the human cell. Found the sequence of over 24,000 genes.

24 Biotech Time Line 2007 Dr. Anthony Atala of WFIRM announces the discovery of stem cells found in amniotic fluid

25 Biotech Time Line 2008 Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine is formed to research regenerative medicine technology that can be used to treat injured soldiers

26 Biotech Time Line 2010 First synthetic cell is created by the labs of Craig Ventor, a major player in the Human Genome Project

27 Types of Companies Research and Development Full Service: single product line Full Service: diversified product lines Contract Manufacturers

28 Organizational Structure CEO CFO FinanceAccounting COO Mfg Formulation Filling QC Raw Materials Inspectors In process and finished goods QA Document control Typists Compliance Materials Receiving and Distribution CIO Programmers VP R&D PhD scientists Research Assistants VP Medical Clinical AffairsRegulatory

29 Chief Executives CEO: Chief Executive Officer COO: Chief Operations Officer CIO: Chief Information Officer CFO: Chief Financial Officer VP Research and Development VP Medical or Medical Affairs VP Sales and Marketing

30 Careers in Biotech

31 Research scientist Design and carryout experiments Associates -PhD Internships and fellowships $35-85

32 Quality Control Monitors quality of product and services BA or MS Trained as an engineer or scientist and move in to QC role after yrs of experience $71K

33 Quality Assurance Monitors the process for quality BA or MS Trained in Business, Engineering, Statistics and then moves into QA role after yrs of exp. $89K

34 Bio-processing Engineer Monitor and develops the process of drug manufacturing in a develop system BS College courses and on the job $70K

35 Bio-Statistician Design research projects and analyze data MS or PhD Statistics, biostatistics or applied math $70K

36 Metrology Develops processes and systems to measure objects HS or above Math, science, and technology $59 K

37 Regulatory Affairs Assure proper legal paperwork has been completed for FDA BS, MS, PhD, Law degree On the job Complete certification $40-100k

38 Clinical Affairs Designing and monitoring clinical trials with human patients BS, MS, RN, PhD, MD, Law degree On the job $70 - $150K

39 Biomedical Engineer Designs machines and equipment of patient care BS or MS On the job $75K

40 Intellectual Property Officer Maintain information and documentation on discoveries made by a company MS or PhD Trained in other science and move into position $75K

41 Maintenance & Instrumentation Technician Testing, maintaining, and troubleshooting equipment AAS Electronics, technology $47K

42 Patent Lawyer Represents company for filing patents for ownership of products and ideas Law degree Fellowship$115K

43 Sales and Marketing Advertise and market products BS and MS Management, sells, marketing $78K

44 Forensic Psychiatrist Focuses on how mental health affects legal issues 4 yrs college+ 4 yrs med school + 4 yrs residency 1 yr of fellowship and board certification $140-180K

45 Forensic Pathologist Performs autopsies and determines the cause, mechanism and manner of death 4 yrs college+ 4 yrs med school + 4 yrs residency 1 yr of fellowship and board certification Mastery of several disciplines $75-200K

46 STEM Careers Pay

47 It Pays to Stay in School

48 Biotech Time Line 2011 A Federal Court of Appeals upheld the rights of science companies to hold patents on genes that they have sequenced

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