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T-76.4115 Iteration Demo PP Iteration 24.10.2007.

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Presentation on theme: "T-76.4115 Iteration Demo PP Iteration 24.10.2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 T-76.4115 Iteration Demo PP Iteration 24.10.2007

2 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 2 Agenda  Project status (20 min)  Achieving the goals of the iteration  Project metrics  Realization of tasks  Resource usage  Work results (15 min)  Project plan  Requirements  Draft of architectural design  Used work practices (10 min)

3 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 3 Introduction to the project  Business simulation games are used in educational purposes  Some evidence of the learning results is needed  Project topic: Learning Assessment Tool  For business simulations  Primary goals of the learning assessment tool project are the following:  To extract and store key performance data from the game system on an ongoing basis  To generate reports that compare the performance of a team or a group to the average performance or set performance targets in the game  To generate reports that compare the performance of a team or a group to their performance in the previous rounds of the game  To provide what-if analysis to the players, e.g. "What would have been the bottom line effect of raising the price of my product by 1€ on round 3?"

4 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 4 Status of the iteration’s goals  Goal 1: Project planning  OK in general. Technical design MOVED LATER, because meetings with the customer were so late.  Goal 2: Understanding the domain (and getting to know the game)  OK  Goal 3: Requirements specification on general level including most important functional requirements and use cases  Requirements elicitation: OK.  Requirements analysis, OK, except use-cases MOVED LATER.  Managing changes in requirements OK, changes will be documented in the requirements document and in agilefant backlog management tool.  Goal 4: Creating prototypes to understand technologies  MOVED LATER, because all the technologies used in development are not selected yet

5 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 5 Status of the iteration’s goals  Goal 5: Defining roles and responsibilities  OK  Goal 6: Selecting working methods and tools  OK. Some development tools may be selected later  Goal 7: Preparing for the development work (building infrastructure, studying)  NOT OK. Building infrastructure was delayed because the team server was not available. We also thought we had a wrong WikiSysop password and that’s why the wiki is not very well organized yet.  Goal 8: AgileFant installation and introduction  Installation OK. Introduction MOVED LATER, this week?  Goal 9: Risk analysis  OK

6 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 6 Status of the iteration’s deliverables  Project plan  OK, except chapters 6.3 and 6.4, because the later iterations are not planned yet  Requirements document  OK, Business goals, main domain concepts, user groups and all the important functional, non-functional requirements and contstraints have been collected and documented. Functional requirements are divided into three groups. Use-cases will be done later.  SEPA diaries  OK, except chapter 3, it will be added later when there are some experiences of SEPA methods

7 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 7 Realization of the tasks (1)  27 planned tasks  34 at the end of iteration  6 new tasks:  PM013: Meetings preparation  PM014: Reviewing project plan  PM015: Writing PP iteration plan  Separated from PM007: Writing project plan  RE004: Reviewing requirements document  ST007: SEPA: Heuristic evaluation  ST008: SEPA: Pair programming  Risk management split in two tasks:  PM011: Risk identification  PM016: Risk analysis * unplanned task (= a new task added during the iteration)

8 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 8 Realization of the tasks (2) (A sample table)

9 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 9 Realization of the tasks (3)

10 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 10 Realization of the tasks (4)  All hour reports not received yet  Differences = planned – realized (shoud be r – p, fixed later)  It seems like the corresponding tasks were not always found from the time tracking system  Group meetings include all kinds of meetings among the group members  Some other tasks were carried out in the meetings (for example risk identification), but the time is still reported as group meetings time

11 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 11 Realization of the tasks (5)  Interesting discrepancies:  PM002: Internal communication +16  Did not realize that reading e-mail would also take time!  PM004: Communicating with customer -4  Quite low?  PM006: Defining project goals –6,5  Reported somewhere else  PM012: Specifying tasks -8  No-one else than PM did?  Other major discrepancies are caused by unfinished tasks  Architecture is still to be planned and technical solutions designed  No time reports of requirements engineering  Infrastructure is not ready, because:  We don’t have the server yet  We thought we had a wrong WikiSysop password

12 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 12 Resource usage 190 25 JL 190 23 ML I2 190 30 MT 1150 472 SUM 150 93 NK 190 90 PL 150 120 MB 150 28 EK 150 29 JR 190 34 TK Total I1 PP Original plan (in the beginning of the iteration) Realization and updated plan (22.10. – To be updated later!) (realized hours and updates) 190 65 100 20 JL 190 65 100 20 ML 50050 25 I2 1150190150190150 190150 Total 35030406050 25 I1 29025153815 63100 PP SUMMTJRTKEKMBPLNK

13 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 13 Resource usage explanations  The PP iteration plan was done quite in a hurry and so were the estimations  We forgot to estimate hours for I1 and I2!  Although the architect thought in the project planning phase that he was allocating hours for I1  No persons responsible declared for tasks!

14 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 14 Risks  Materialized risks  2. A member is unexpectedly unavailable (for example a member becomes ill)  3. Lack of skill, knowledge or expertice  9. SoberIT server is down  10. Unequally divided work  11. Inadequate commitment to the project due to other than project activities (full day jobs, other studying)

15 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 15 Results of the iteration  Major deliverables of the iteration:  Project plan  Requirements  And:  System architecture designed this far

16 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 16 Project plan - stakeholders  Stakeholders and staffing: The project group Iteration X NameRole Mari TyllinenDeveloper Jarkko RantamäkiDeveloper Markku LinnoskiviDeveloper Jussi LampiselkäDeveloper Teemu KiviniemiDeveloper Emmi KaivosojaDeveloper Michael BurmanArchitect Pekka LatvalaQA Manager Noora Korppi-TommolaProject Manager Other stakeholders NameRole Group 4: Team MaranelloAgilefant group Group 15: Bluebox InnovationsPeer group Group 6: braZilPeer group Kari SuhonenMentor Ilkka VesterinenCustomer Veijo KyöstiCustomer Santeri KorriCustomer

17 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 17 Project plan - stakeholders  Stakeholders and staffing: organizational chart

18 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 18 Project plan – project goals  Project goals (discuss most important goals and verification criteria)  1. Code quality and documentation  Code quality: 1) Unit test reviews and code reviews. 2) Test coverage.  Code documentation: Javadocs  Arhitectural documentation: Reviewed with the customer  2. Functionality  Functionality: Reviewed with the customer  Performance: Will be measured using J-Meter  Limitations: Functionality and performance tests  3. Production Use  Data Collection: Augmented after the first iteration  Analysis: Functionality and performance in production use is reviewed with the customer  4. User Documentation  Content: Reviewed with the customer  Integration: Incorporating user documentation to Cesim's standard documentation build process

19 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 19 Project plan – project practiced and tools  Some important practices and tools  Weekly meetings  Weekly reports  WR Time tracker for time tracking  Estimations on how much time is left for completing backlog items will be tracked with Agilefant

20 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 20 Project plan – phasing  PROJECT PLANNING (25.9. - 24.10.2007)  IMPLEMENTATION 1 (25.10. - 12.12.2007)  Sprint 1 (25.10. - 15.11.2007)  Design core architecture  Basic implementation tasks  Sprint 2 (16.11. - 6.12.2007)  After 2nd sprint the most important architectural solutions are implemented as well as the most common use cases.  Sprint 3 (7.12.2007 - 14.1.2008)  Refactoring the code, planning and performing tests. Enjoying the Christmas vacation.  IMPLEMENTATION 2 (15.1. - 5.3.2008)  Sprint 4 (15.1. - 5.2.2008)  Implementing additional functional requirements.  Sprint 5 (6.2. - 26.2.2008)  Last changes are made and the software is ready 20.2. Peer testing.  Sprint 6 (27.2. - 5.3.2008)  Documenting and presenting the final product to the customer and mentor.

21 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 21 Requirements  System overview

22 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 22 Requirements  Functional goals  Implementing statistics, analysis and learning assessment of results, decisions and selected aggregates  Implementing what-if analysis  Implementing alternative sets of calculation features  Non-functional goals  System needs to be fast, it must support enough concurrent users and all features must be available with one login  Constraints  Http-protocol, only acceptable plugin is Macromedia Flash, Resin web-server, PostqreSQL 7 & 8 Support, CentOS linux support, Java 5, HTML 4.10 strict

23 T-76.4115 Iteration demo Architechture overview  Based on modules, to keep data management and userview separate  A WebService backend for loading procedure  Customer’s original project will be extended to support extracting data through WS.  MVC based frontend to show the results  All data handling will be done with persistence  All SQL/XML handling is done using POJOs  Results might change with time  Queries have to be configureable  New parameters can be indexed from original data  Original data is saved in the database as objects

24 T-76.4115 Iteration demo Architechture overview

25 T-76.4115 Iteration demo Coding conventions  Based on Java’s general conventions  Why recreate something that works?  Extended to suit our preferences  Extensions  Exception handling  Catch only what’s necessary, not more  Test driven development  JUnit is used with every module  Improves documentation  Commenting  Javadoc is used with every method  Comments inside the method, where necessary  Logging  Internals of the system are logged  Using different levels, debug, info and error  Good Object-Oriented coding  Small interference with insides of other objects  Functional cohesion and message coupling, if possible

26 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 26 Used work practices (updated on 23.10.)  How have you been using the planned work practices, what are the experiences of  mandatory practices: time reporting, version control, …  any other practices  Are you going to  adopt some new practices  change the use of the current practices  stop using some adopted practices

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