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MOTTO: "We strive for truth, knowledge, and success on the pathway to higher education."

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2 MOTTO: "We strive for truth, knowledge, and success on the pathway to higher education."

3 An educational opportunity provided through the collaborative efforts of the El Paso Independent School District, the El Paso Community College, and the Texas High School Project of the Communities Foundation of Texas.

4 Grant : 1st generation attending college Member of under-served population SES qualifications Not exclusive T-STEM focused

5 TMECHS Goal: To make the college dream come true for students who desire to go to college and who are committed to making the dream come true.

6 Vision: To provide a nurturing and supportive environment which enables EVERY student selected to attend the Early College High School to:

7 successfully complete his/her high school diploma obtain an Associate’s Degree become an independent learner and positive contributor to the community transition to a 4-year college or work setting with the skills to be successful in the path of his/her choice

8 Student Selection: Students apply for admission Students meet promotion requirements (Passing grades, 90% attendance, 8 th grade TAKS mastery) A lottery is conducted (125 students) Students are interviewed (to ensure an understanding of commitment expectations) Students take the ACCUPLACER exam Students attend a Summer Bridge Program

9 Student Profile: 100% passed 8 th grade Reading/Math TAKS, but scores varied 97.5% has met the ACCUPLACER Reading expectations for Dual Credit Diverse backgrounds (represent all of El Paso, all sub- populations represented, 60% Economic Disadvantaged)

10 Transitioning: Summer Bridge Program Start Dual Credit in Spring 2009 Staff emphasis on “college readiness” Opportunities to dialogue with EPCC staff

11 Students are engaged in: A highly rigorous curriculum focused around the T-STEM model of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Career Planning centered on a personalized Career Pathway Resume development On-going advisories

12 What Works: Build on background knowledge-success Accountable talk—breaking it down Discuss with a partner—Reinforce learning Model Everything—Variety of activities Match the Concept to the Real World—adds relevancy. Competition—motivates and challenges

13 The AVID program is used to ensure academic success. All students will participate in AVID in their 9 th grade year.

14 The students will also take: BCIS (Dual Cr.) AVID/EDU1300 (Dual Cr.) *World Geography *Algebra I/Geometry *English I *Biology I Spanish Physical Education NOTE: * is Pre-AP

15 Our students begin their college level course work during the 9 th grade year on our campus and move to the EPCC campus according to their academic level of success.

16 Are hand-picked based upon their abilities to work with students which may require on-going interventions such as: mentoring, tutoring, advising Have Master’s Degrees and are Highly Qualified in their content areas Total 8 in number. We currently have 14 staff members; additional staff is added each year TMECHS Faculty/Staff

17 Regular Parent/School communication and interaction is expected. Mandatory meetings Parent TEAMS Portal Parent/Teacher conferences Pro-active in addressing student success

18 Frequently Asked Question Topics Transportation Safety Community Service/Extra-curricular involvement for Scholarships

19 School Day Schedule Summer/Night Classes Laptops Modifications (i.e. Speech Therapy) Lunch

20 Do credits transfer? Bridge program Difference from this to Magnet Program Uniforms Disqualifying factors (i.e. college graduate)

21 Tutorials Sports opportunities Dances/assemblies/etc. Computer Science/Technology offerings Do you take only 9 th grade students?

22 Transmountain Early College High School The Key to making your College Dream Come True

23 Questions?

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