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Introduction to science

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1 Introduction to science

2 What is science? Science – systematic study of natural events and conditions Scientists observe, investigate, and measure to gather ___________. Scientific ideas must be ___________ and ____________ before data is shared with others ________________.

3 Science and Technology
______________ - is the application to make tools or products people can use

4 Branches of Science

5 Steps of the Scientific Method
Make ___________or conduct __________: observation: act of noticing & describing events using your senses Cortical Homunculus 2. Describe the problem or ask a question

6 3. Make a hypothesis or prediction:
hypothesis: idea or explanation that leads to scientific explanation Must be _______ _________ format ex. If bacteria if found everywhere then bacteria will be found on the human face. or ____________format ex. Smoking is unrelated to cancer.

7 4. Designing Controlled Experiments: set up an experiment to gather data & compare results
Control experiment: experiment in which only ______________is changed; all other variables remain unchanged….Why???

8 ______________: identical to control group except it receives an
2 groups 2 ______________: identical to control group except it receives an _________________ (variable that has been deliberately changed) 1 ___________: the standard; NO independent variable both have ______________: variable being measured; changes in response to the independent variable

9 5. Collect, Organize & Represent Data: information (data) is put into charts, graphs, tables, etc

10 Scientists Graph and Analyze Data
Type of graph depends on their data. Look pattern or trend shows the relationship between the two variables in the experiment. Graphs show if variables are increasing, decreasing or staying the same.

11 Scatter plot- a graph with points plotted to show a possible relationship between two sets of data
A scatter plot has a horizontal x-axis and a vertical y-axis X-axis = independent variable Y-axis= dependent variable Line of best fit

12 Displays and compares data in separate categories.

13 A Pie graph is used when you are showing how each group of data relates to all of the data.

14 Linear graph vs. Nonlinear graph
Linear graph is a graph which the independent and dependent variable can be shown with a straight line. ___________ - show trends of correlations between two sets of data.

15 Graphing Rules ALL graphs must have the following. 1. __________
1. __________ 2. Independent variable – on the _____ axis (except pie graph) Dependent variable – on ____ axis (except pie graph) Label your both the X and Y axis Use entire paper to scale. Draw a best fit line (if possible)- do not necessarily connect the dots and it could be a curved line. Set up a _________if there is more than one thing being graphed.

16 6. Analyzing Data Scientist s need to interpret the reliability and trends of their gather data. This done through various methods of mathematical analysis. To enable easy comparison with data from other scientists. The International system of units (SI) is used. We will expand on this section later.

17 7. Draw Conclusions: 1. Restate your hypothesis
2. Decide if results SUPPORT or REJECT your hypothesis Use your data to support or reject your hypothesis. Identify errors 5. Decide where your experiment can go next.

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