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Presentation on theme: " Introduction This section provides information that helps the reader understand what you accomplished, the science behind it and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction This section provides information that helps the reader understand what you accomplished, the science behind it and why. Provide a description of the topic being investigated. Define terms and explain scientific concepts that are relevant to this investigation. What is the relevance and real-life application of this experiment? Why did you choose this topic? What have you learned about your topic… use your research!) Put all information in your own words. Testable Question Identify the question that you tested as you conducted your experiment. Use a format similar to: How does the mv affect the rv ? Hypothesis What do you think will happen and why? Use the format: If the MV (increases / changes), then the RV will (identify the direction of change, specific to the variations of the MV) because (provide a scientific explanation as to why you think that will happen). Variables Clearly label sub-headings for each type of variable and make sure to identify one manipulated variable, one responding variable and at least three (3) realistic and relevant controlled variables. Materials Specify material names, types, sizes, amounts, concentrations, volumes, etc. Title of the Research Study PERSON WHO DID THE STUDY Mrs. Slater’s Biology, Period _____ Logo Figure #1 Figure #2 Logo Methods  Describe exactly what you did in such a way so that another person could duplicate your work if they so desired.  Make sure to include what quantitative and qualitative data should be collected, how often, for how long, etc.  Describe how each controlled variable identified in the Variables section will remain controlled throughout the entire experiment. Safety Concerns Only required when appropriate. You do not have to include details that can safely be assumed such as wearing goggles, putting away equipment, etc. Data Organize all raw data into a chart or table with headings and labeled columns and rows so as to present data clearly. (Raw data is the actual data that was measured.) Include proper metric units and any relevant qualitative observations. DATA TABLE Error Analysis Include 2-3 factors that may have affected the results of your experiment. Discuss how each source of error impacted the final results (increased or decreased final values). Suggest specific, but realistic, ways of preventing these errors in the future. Conclusion This section should be thorough, but concise, and should respond to the Testable Question. It should be written in paragraph form. Restate the testable question and your original hypothesis Accept / reject hypothesis based on data Use data to write the specific reason that you are accepting or rejecting your hypothesis What is the relationship between the manipulated and responding variables? Explain the trend (what happens to data over time or with each change in the MV). Trends can be flat, increasing, decreasing, or random (no identifiable trend). If you have more than one trend, explain each. What is the significance of the results? Discuss the results and explain and/or analyze with relationship to real-world application and ramifications Present a new question(s) that emerged from your investigation Resources List all resources that you used in your background research and any other part of your investigation. Sources should be cited using proper MLA format and be in alphabetical order. Data Analysis In this section, clearly show all of your mathematical works, with units, so that others can easily understand how you analyzed your data. Calculate average values, where applicable Show any other calculations are relevant to answer your testable question Create a titled and labeled, displaying the numerical data you collected, that shows the relationship between the manipulated and responding variables Title = Manipulated Variable versus Responding Variable X-axis (horizontal) = manipulated variable Y-axis (vertical) = responding variable Use appropriate scientific and/or metric notation with units GRAPH OR CHART

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