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1A1 English 29 th January 2015 Objectives: 1.To review verbs and adverbs. conjunctions 2.To introduce students to conjunctions and identify the use of.

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Presentation on theme: "1A1 English 29 th January 2015 Objectives: 1.To review verbs and adverbs. conjunctions 2.To introduce students to conjunctions and identify the use of."— Presentation transcript:

1 1A1 English 29 th January 2015 Objectives: 1.To review verbs and adverbs. conjunctions 2.To introduce students to conjunctions and identify the use of these in sentences.

2 Homework: Review the notes I’ve placed on Learning Hub since Tuesday, January 20 th. Make sure you can: (i)Explain the terms noun, adjective, verb, adverb, and conjunction. (ii)Identify examples of these.

3 KWL What we know Nouns Adjectives Verbs Adverbs What we want to know What is a conjunction? What purpose does it serve in a sentence? What we have learned

4 Before we begin… We will review the last lesson – quickly!!! We looked at verbs and adverbs. What is a verb? What is an adverb? Tuesday’s homework.

5 Conjunctions conjunction What is a conjunction? Conjunctions are words or phrases that join two parts of a sentence. There are many conjunctions. Some of the most common are: and, but, because.

6 Examples of conjunctions I studied English and Spanish. I speak English but not French. I speak English because I was born here.

7 Over to you! Carefully read each of the sentences in Task 1 and, with the person sitting next to you, use the words in the box to join each part of individual sentences together. Once you have finished this, carefully read the statements in Task 2. Then, in pairs, circle the words you believe are the conjunctions used.

8 Over to you! So, what conjunctions did you choose? Share your answers with the class.

9 KWL What do we know? Nouns Adjectives Verbs Adverbs What do we want to know? What is a conjunction? What purpose does it serve in a sentence? What have we learned? Conjunction: a word/phrase that joins two parts of a sentence. There are many kinds – and, but, because among the most common.

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