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Government Chapter 1 review

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1 Government Chapter 1 review

2 What are the 3 basic powers of Government?
Legislative executive and judicial

3 What 4 characteristics does every state have?
population, territory, sovereignty, government

4 What are the 6 purposes of our government according to the constitution?
Form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, secure the blessings of liberty

5 What is the difference between a direct democracy and an indirect democracy?
Direct you vote for all decisions an indirect is a representative form where you vote for representatives to make day to day decisions

6 Define autocracy? Power held by one person

7 Define oligarchy? Power held by a group

8 What is the difference between a presidential government and a parliamentary government?
Parliamentary government the executive is a part of the legislative body where in presidential it is separate

9 What are the 3 basic forms of government based on where power is located?
Unitary, federal and confederate

10 What is majority rule? In voting it takes 51% to approve decisions

11 What is the free enterprise system based on?
Private ownership, individual initiative, profit and competition

12 Another name for free enterprise system is

13 What roles does government play in the free enterprise system?
Antitrust laws , pollution control, zoning

14 What are the duties of a citizen?
Jury, witness, school, pay taxes, register for draft, obey laws, respect others rights

15 What are the responsibilities of citizenship?
Voting, volunteering, participating in civic life, understand the workings of government

16 How does the laws of supply and demand work?
Lower the supply the higher the price, higher supply lower the price greater demand leads to higher price, and low demand lower price

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