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Recycle me! School grounds we’d like! By Red Table. Beth Orriss, Joshua Edgington, Ezri Osborne, Red Cuthbertson.

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Presentation on theme: "Recycle me! School grounds we’d like! By Red Table. Beth Orriss, Joshua Edgington, Ezri Osborne, Red Cuthbertson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recycle me! School grounds we’d like! By Red Table. Beth Orriss, Joshua Edgington, Ezri Osborne, Red Cuthbertson

2 Our idea!  Our idea is ‘recycle me’. Recycle me is a shed that sells gifts made out of recycling. We will collect recycling by putting bins outside our shed which will be filled up with recycling. We are selling products made out of rubbish and the money we make will go to Kafuro Primary School.

3 Why our idea is unique Our idea is unique because it helps the environment by taking waste and making it into something else rather than putting it in the trash and letting it get thrown away so it is very eco friendly.

4 Who our idea will benefit.  Our idea will benefit the environment as it helps waste go to a good cause. It will also benefit the children because they get to play with unique toys and the teachers will benefit from it as it is eco friendly.

5 What ‘recycle me’ will sell. The products that will be sold at our shop are: Key rings : small 20p Golf coarse bottles: 50p large 50p Pringle drums: £1 Bracelets: 50p Necklace: £1 Bottle instruments: small 50p normal: £1 large: £1.50 Book marks: 50p

6 How we will make our products to sell. We will make our products out of recycling, so people will be looking at our amazing recycling work. We think our products are good but of course some people might not be happy with what we sell. But on the otherhand what we sell will help the environment. How

7 Sustainability. Our idea will last for a while as the shed we are using will be made out of wood. It will also last as we will encourage children to come as they will be able to buy products from our shop.

8 Here is a bar chart to show the votes from some questions we asked the school Q1:Which cause should the money we raise go to? As you can see most people voted for Kafuro primary.

9 What our parents thought. We wrote a survey to ask our parents what they thought about our ideas. This is what we found. Q1) Which idea do you think is the best? Most of our parents said ‘recycle me’ except one who suggested we should go with the nature walk. Q2) As we chose recycle me do you think of our idea? All our parents said they thought it would be including when one of them said ‘absolutely!’

10 Here is a picture that we have drawn showing the place that we are going to put our shop.



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