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Outdoor Learning Area School Parking School Playground Existing Recreation. Facilities School Parking Neighborhood Tree Buffer Basketball Courts Abandoned.

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Presentation on theme: "Outdoor Learning Area School Parking School Playground Existing Recreation. Facilities School Parking Neighborhood Tree Buffer Basketball Courts Abandoned."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outdoor Learning Area School Parking School Playground Existing Recreation. Facilities School Parking Neighborhood Tree Buffer Basketball Courts Abandoned Tobacco Field Practice Field Practice Field Game Fields Pine Tree Buffer Restrooms Pavilion Playground University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Landscape Architecture Franklin-Simpson County Lincoln Park: Pedestrian Safety Site Location Traffic Calming Focus Area Existing Lincoln Park Boundary Lincoln Elementary School Impediments to Walkability Walkability impediments include any factors that make walking difficult or unsafe. Special safety consideration is needed for intersections since they pose the greatest threat to pedestrians. Poorly marked crosswalk Speeding on John J. Johnson Dr. No sidewalk connectivity Lack pedestrian crossings Poorly lit intersection Poorly identified crosswalk Lack of crosswalks Poorly lit intersection Poorly marked crosswalks Lack of speed inhibitors Dangerous crossing to restroom No sidewalk connections from school to park Poorly lit intersection Lack of crosswalk Poorly marked crosswalk Poor sidewalk connectivity Existing and Potential Site Elements NORTH Implementation Why This Site? Goals Raised Intersections– provides elevated pedestrian visibility and slows traffic (Fig. 1). Textured Crosswalk– creates pedestrian awareness and caution for drivers entering an pedestrian area (Fig. 2). Raised Crosswalk- contributes to better pedestrian visibility (Fig. 2). Neighborhood Traffic Circle– adds aesthetic quality and reduces speeding (Fig. 3). Speed Humps- affordable and effective for speed reduction (Fig.4). Create Safe Street Crossings for Pedestrians Reduce Vehicle Speeds Promote Walkable Community Discourage Cut Trough Traffic Encourage Neighborhood Revitalization Improve Overall Atmosphere of Lincoln Park The park expansion offers the opportunity to address serious concerns about pedestrian safety. With the growing population and changes in land use, driving patterns have changed which has led to an increase in the number of vehicles on the road and more frequent traffic accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 20 to 30% of morning traffic volume is due to the “school run.” Lincoln Park and Lincoln Elementary School in Franklin-Simpson County have been feeling the strain between vehicular and pedestrian interaction. Some of the key safety concerns include speeding on John J. Johnson Dr. and lack of pedestrian crossings from the baseball fields to the water fountains and restrooms. These examples illustrate only a handful of traffic calming tools and techniques. These represent some standard elements which may be used and adapted to fit the specific needs of the site and community. Any number or combination of traffic calming techniques may be used for other locales in Franklin- Simpson County. Speed Hump Neighborhood Traffic Circle Raised Intersection Textured Crosswalk Jefferson Street and John J. Johnson Dr. intersection facing west Issues: Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Analysis Process 1) Visit site and photo documentation of existing conditions 2) Examination of the site through aerial photographs at different scales to understand context of the site 3) Problem areas were identified based on pedestrian safety needs 4) Research for suitable types and methods of traffic calming appropriate for this particular site. 5) Results used to identify the issues, and establish goals and implementation options to address the safety, function, and aesthetic quality of the vehicle /pedestrian interface. Source: National Agriculture Information Program Costs Raised Intersections: $15,00-50,000 Textured Crosswalks: $2,500+ (depends on labor and materials) Raised Crosswalks: $2,500 (asphalt) Neighborhood Traffic Circles: $3,500-15,000 Speed Humps: $2,000 The following cost estimates are posted by the Institute of Transportation Engineers ( ). The reported cost amounts are based on the value of a dollar in 1997. Needs Lighting No Crosswalk Poorly Marked Crosswalk Needs Sidewalk Connection Illustrates Speeding Area Images adapted from Institute of Transportation Engineers 2001 Fig.1 Source: National Highway Traffic Administration. (2002). Walkability Checklist. Retrieved July 28, 2006 from John J. Johnson Drive and Roosevelt St. intersection looking south Jefferson Street and John J. Johnson Dr. intersection facing north John J. Johnson Drive looking south from Westview neighborhood Key School John J. Johnson Dr. Downtown Vegetation Buffer Neighborhood Parking Recreation Facilities Underutilized Area Possible Park Expansion Jefferson St. Roosevelt St. Underutilized Area Bravard St. Heavy Traffic Underutilized Area Trail into park expansion Parking Underutilized Areas Recreation Facilities Neighborhood Practice Field Trees/Greenspace Abandoned Tobacco Field Key Site Analysis Site Potentials Existing Features Lacks sidewalk connectivity No existing traffic calming devices Nice street trees along John J. Johnson Dr. Need additional parking Practice fields in poor condition Restroom facilities need improvement Trail system New outdoor facilities for school Addition of wooded areas N

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