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Do Now What are some activities or industries that can destroy the environment of SE Asia?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now What are some activities or industries that can destroy the environment of SE Asia?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now What are some activities or industries that can destroy the environment of SE Asia?

2 CH. 31-2 Southeast Asia People & Their Environment

3 Vocabulary Preview pg. 774 Sustainable development Shifting cultivation Cyclone typhoon

4 Managing resources Southeast Asian countries have many valuable resources, that are used to boost economy However many countries are learning that they need to balance economic development vs. managing resources

5 Managing resources In recent years SE Asian countries have taken steps to protect their environments – Indonesian government started plans to set aside parts of the country for conservation areas – Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines & Malaysia have limited certain timber exports & started reforestation programs – To combat urbanization problems, Green Zones: (area within a city, granted special environmental protection

6 Human Impact In SE Asia, human activities have had a negative impact on environment, natural resources and wildlife – Manufacturing & Industrialization raises standards of living but creates industrial waste – Crowded city conditions, creates heat, humidity and pollution

7 Human Impact Pollution is not just in the urban areas but also in rural parts as well Thailand's national parks freshwater wells are contaminated due to poor waste disposal Volcanic eruptions and forest fires also cause pollution in rural areas ( this also causes respiratory problems for people )

8 Pg. 776 Read Effects of Industrialization ActivityCauseEffect Mining Fishing Timber & Agriculture Shipping & Trade Human Impact on the Environment

9 Future Challenges Read Future challenges on pg 777-778 Answer the Read check question on pg. 778

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