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Used by scientists to gain knowledge… It typically has 5-7 steps

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1 Used by scientists to gain knowledge… It typically has 5-7 steps
The Scientific Method Used by scientists to gain knowledge… It typically has 5-7 steps Copyright Cmassengale

2 Make an Observation – STEP 1
Use your five senses to gather information about objects or events Copyright Cmassengale

3 Copyright Cmassengale
Form a Question Based on observations; one or more questions are generated Copyright Cmassengale

4 Forming a Hypothesis – STEP 2
A hypothesis is an educated guess and must be testable (evidence can be collected that either does or doesn‘t support it) It is often written in the form of an “if-then” statement However, it can never be proven beyond doubt. Copyright Cmassengale

5 Design an Experiment – STEP 3
Testing a hypothesis or prediction by conducting a controlled experiment Based on a comparison of a control group with an experimental group Copyright Cmassengale

6 Control group is considered to be under normal conditions.
Constants are all of the variables in the experiment that are kept the same in both the experimental and control groups. Both groups are identical except for one factor (independent variable) Experimental group is the group in which one variable (independent ) is being changed. This group is not considered to be under normal conditions Control group is considered to be under normal conditions. Independent variable is the variable that scientists change deliberately The variable “I”, the scientist, changes Dependent variable si the variable that changes in response to the changed variable. Also known as the responding variable

7 Observations and measurements are taken for the dependent variable in both groups

8 Record and Analyze Data – STEP 4
Involves gathering information from your experiment This yields two kinds of data: Quantitative – which results in numbers (#s) Qualitative – which results in descriptions (color, smell) Data is recorded in graphs, charts, tables, or maps

9 Copyright Cmassengale
Conclusion – STEP 5 Conclusions ACCEPT or REJECT your hypothesis Often are made on the basis of facts, not observations and drawn from data gathered from a study or experiment Copyright Cmassengale

10 Repeat the Experiment – Step 6
The experiment should be repeatable so that one can confirm the data

11 Communication – STEP 6 Scientists must share the results of their studies with other scientists (peers) Publish findings in journals Scientists must be unbiased Should not tamper with their data Only publish & report tested & proven ideas Sharing of information is essential to scientific process Subject to examination and verification by other scientists Allows scientists to build on the work of others

12 Your Turn Get groups of 2 or 3
Each person in the group will be used as a test subject and should have their own data table. Perform experiment: Test the effects of physical activity on heart rate. Draw graphs and come up with the conclusion One lab report per person will be submitted. Lab Report is due on Monday, August 31st by 10 am into the haiku dropbox.

13 Homework due before class on Monday, August 31st, 2015
Share syllabus with a parent and have them sign it and bring to class with you. Heart Rate Lab Report

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