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National Training Raipur 28-31st July

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1 National Training Raipur 28-31st July
IPPE 2 National Training Raipur 28-31st July

2 Household livelihood plans
IPPE 1 Livelihood focus Household livelihood plans IPPE 2 IPPE 2 What’s New?

3 IPPE 2 What’s the same? Participatory Planning: Preparation of village wise plans through participatory rural techniques; social map, resource map, transect walk, seasonality map Demand Estimation: Household level demand estimation for all vulnerable households Gram Sabha: With publicisation of date to prioritise works

4 IPPE 2 What’s different? Livelihood focus for planning of works for entire Gram Panchayat Using SECC lists to identify households for Household Livelihood Planning Job Card Updating drive to ensure job cards are with households and correct information is entered in MIS

5 Who will conduct IPPE 2? Charge Officer at Block level – appointed by DPC from district level officials of line departments. BPT members to include: - stakeholder youth from MGNREGS families - members of SHGs/BNVs/CSOs/watershed committees - DPC to depute JE/TA

6 Non-negotiable steps for BPT
Activity Document/Tool Outcome GP Orientation Meeting GP status paper + Annual action plan GP wise calendar & schedule for BPTs Village level meeting 10 Entitlements flex Environment building Livelihood discussion  5A concept + CSA concept Fill format for each village (Format 1)

7 Non-negotiable steps for BPT
Activity Document/Tool Outcome Social Map Existing social map + SECC list Identification of families for demand estimation + HLPS Seasonality map Chart paper Demand estimation for GP Demand Estimation Pre printed format (Format 2) Demand estimation for vulnerable households Resource map Existing resource map Revision of Annual Action Plan HLPs List identified through SECC Format to be filled (Format 3) Gram Panchayat Gram Sabha Consolidated list of works (format provided) Fill register with list of prioritised works + Update jobcards

8 Format 1: Livelihood approach for GP
Understanding Community/HH Mapping of various sources of livelihoods Challenges/Problem areas of the livelihoods sources Possible interventions

9 Format 2: Demand Estimation
Number of days of work desired by HH for FY Name of JC holder as recorded on MIS Chaitr (APRIL) Baisakh (MAY) Jesth (JUNE) Asarhl (JULY) Sharavan (AUGUST) Bhado (SEPT) Ashwin (OCT) Kartik (NOV) Agan (DEC Poush (JAN) Magh (FEB) Phagun (MARCH)  Name of vulnerable JC holder not appearing on MIS

10 Format 3: Household Livelihood Plan
Format to be prepared by SRLM

11 Format 4: Prioritisation in Gram Sabha
Priority Number Nature of Work Details (place, size etc.) Expected Outcomes Expected persondays Community Works Individual Works

12 Clarifications provided
SECC list – List of 4 deprivations or more persons is indicative. This may be discussed at the time of social map to include/exclude.

13 Clarifications Sought
1. Amount per block/GP for payment to BPT members, process of release and expected timelines. 2. Role of SRLM and CRPs/CBOs. - where they are joining existing processes (join BPT) - new processes (charge officer in intensive/MKSP blocks) 3. IPPE plan to be shared with line departments to feed into their respective annual action plans. Enabling guidelines may be issued for this. -

14 Suggestions 1 day prior to state level training, 1 day convergence meeting on IPPE with SRLM and MGNREGS Department. BPT members from wage seeker families be paid through muster rolls.

15 Email ID for e-group
To be included in the e-group for IPPE – II, please send an with Name Designation, Department/Organisation State If you are okay with being contacted over phone, please also include your landline / mobile number

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