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Salmon (the worst tasting food in the world!) By Amanda.

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2 Salmon (the worst tasting food in the world!) By Amanda

3 Salmon! Oh! Salmon You are an icky fish. Stop staring at me from my dish! When I eat you I feel like spitting you out. Salmon, Oh! Salmon, get out! get out! I will throw you out the window and over the mountain, If you are lucky, you’ll probably land in a fountain.

4 Salmon! Oh! Salmon What will I do? What will I do,to get rid of you? I don`t feel like eating anymore, If I could, I would sell you for a dollar or more. I don`t know how my parents can eat you,and swallow you down. When I just look at you, on my face you`ll see a frown. Salmon! Oh! Salmon Oh! I hate you! I like stew better than you.

5 Salmon! Oh! Salmon You are awful stuff, Salmon! Oh! Salmon I could get enough. You`re ugly, you`re slimy and gray, I DON’T KNOW WHEN I’LL EAT YOU, BUT CERTAINLY NOT TODAY!!!

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