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Factorial Based Information: Insert your data points based on facts found through research that assisted in your solution here. Remember to delete these.

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Presentation on theme: "Factorial Based Information: Insert your data points based on facts found through research that assisted in your solution here. Remember to delete these."— Presentation transcript:

1 Factorial Based Information: Insert your data points based on facts found through research that assisted in your solution here. Remember to delete these instructions. Solution Insert your findings in this section and include any alternative solutions.. Problem: Insert your final problem statement here. Increase the font size to fill this space. Remember to delete these instructions. Hypothesis Insert your hypothesis here. Remember to delete these instructions. Procedures Insert your procedures to solving the problem here. Be sure to use diagrams and/or photos. Remember to delete these instructions. T T Project by: First Last, Grade Level, Berry Miller Jr High School, Pearland, Tx Real World Application: How do you plan to implement the project in the real world? Remember to delete these instructions.

2 Materials Insert your materials list here. Pictures of your materials can be included. Remember to delete these instructions. Conclusion Insert your conclusion section here. Problem Insert your the problem that is going to be solved in the project. Increase the font size to fill this space. Remember to delete these instructions. Question Essential questions that were investigated? (3 questions): The essential questions support the driving question/project theme. BIG IDEA! Insert your idea for engineering a project that is the base theme of the overall project here. Focus on the audience for the project. Who is your audience that you will present the project to? What will set your project apart from others? Why will your project draw interest? Remember to delete these instructions. T T Project by: First Last, Grade Level, Berry Miller Jr High School, Pearland, Tx

3 Information: Why did you do this project? What is the science related data that called for this service project? Remember to delete these instructions. Problem Insert your the problem that is going to be solved in the project. Increase the font size to fill this space. Remember to delete these instructions. Goals What were the S.M.A.R.T. goals within the project. Make sure you detail it based on S.M.A.R.T. goal format. Remember to delete these instructions. Timeline Insert your timeline to accomplishing your goals here. Explain how you are reaching the markers of your timetable. Remember to delete these instructions. T T Project by: First Last, Grade Level, Berry Miller Jr High School, Pearland, Tx

4 Data Analysis Insert your data analysis section here. If your data analysis is really long, you should consider putting a shorter version on your display. Include table and graph (Must be a scatterplot or a line graph… NO BAR GRAPH!!). Remember to delete these instructions. Conclusion Insert your conclusion section here. Testable Question Insert your testable question here. Increase the font size to fill this space. Remember to delete these instructions. Hypothesis Insert your hypothesis here. Remember to delete these instructions. Materials Insert your materials list here. Pictures of your materials can be included. Remember to delete these instructions. Procedures Insert your procedures here. Be sure to use diagrams and/or photos. Remember to delete these instructions. T T Project by: First Last, Grade Level, Berry Miller Jr High School, Pearland, Tx

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