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Factorial Based Information: This is where you will list the 5 facts about the problem and the 5 facts about the previous solution to the problem. Solution:

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Presentation on theme: "Factorial Based Information: This is where you will list the 5 facts about the problem and the 5 facts about the previous solution to the problem. Solution:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Factorial Based Information: This is where you will list the 5 facts about the problem and the 5 facts about the previous solution to the problem. Solution: This is where you detail your solution to the problem. Also, describe how this is different than previous solutions. Problem: What problem did you attempt to solve? Information about your problem should go in this space. Hypothesis: Insert your hypothesis here. (cause/effect statement) Procedures: What procedures were used to solve the problem? Be sure to use diagrams and/or photos. T T Project by: First Last, Grade Level, Berry Miller Jr High School, Pearland, Tx Real World Application: How will this solution to the problem help in the real world? What branch of Science does this contribute to?

2 Science Foundation: What branch of Science does this contribute to? What 3 scientists are affiliated with this topic? Importance: Insert your conclusion by explaining why this topic is important for the public to know about. Abstract: Insert your abstract here. Essential Questions: What were the essential questions that were investigated (5 questions): The essential questions support the driving question/project theme. BIG IDEA! Insert your big idea for the project here. T T Project by: First Last, Grade Level, Berry Miller Jr High School, Pearland, Tx

3 Importance: What is the Scientific topic/connection associated with this project? Why is serving the community important for this issue? Problem: Insert your the problem that is going to be solved in the project Goals: What were the S.M.A.R.T. goals within the project? Make sure you detail it based on S.M.A.R.T. goal format. Timeline: Insert your timeline to accomplishing your goals here. Explain how you are reaching the markers of your timetable. T T Project by: First Last, Grade Level, Berry Miller Jr High School, Pearland, Tx Abstract: Insert your abstract here.

4 Data Analysis: Insert your data analysis section here. If your data analysis is really long, you should consider putting a shorter version on your display. Include your graph here (Must be a scatterplot or a line graph… NO BAR GRAPH!!). Conclusion: Insert your conclusion section here. Testable Question: Insert your testable question here. Hypothesis: Insert your hypothesis here. This should be a cause/effect statement. Materials: Insert your materials list here. Pictures of your materials can be included. Procedures: Insert your procedures here. Be sure to use diagrams and/or photos. T T Project by: First Last, Grade Level, Berry Miller Jr High School, Pearland, Tx

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