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 Read through problems  Identify problems you think your team has the capacity and interest to solve  Prioritize the problems 1-2-3 and indicate the.

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Presentation on theme: " Read through problems  Identify problems you think your team has the capacity and interest to solve  Prioritize the problems 1-2-3 and indicate the."— Presentation transcript:

1  Read through problems  Identify problems you think your team has the capacity and interest to solve  Prioritize the problems 1-2-3 and indicate the reasons why I should choose your team to solve the problem  Submit to Dr. Ward in person or by e-mail if you are at a distance

2  While I review the team requests, please take a break and take time to work with your team on:  Finish up any outstanding team assignments?  Plan for Real-World Project Who will contact and meet with the SME? Team timeline and meetings

3  Applying the ADDIE process  Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate  Timeline—stick to it! Dates  Team meetings  F2F, collaborative documents, Elluminate, e-mail  Consistent, planned, productive, accountable  Use your skills, develop more skills  Status Reports  Initial Status Report  Weekly/BiWeekly Progress Reports

4  Introduction to the learning situation Provide the reader with a context and sense of the author(s). Provides a background for current situation.  Identification of the learning problem Concise, clear, contains necessary elements to define the nature of the problem that is to be solved by instruction.  Statement of the learning goal Concise, clear, contains necessary elements to define the expected outcomes of the instruction.  Detailed needs analysis Identify the types of needs. Provide quantitative evidence to support the significance of the need.  Detailed learner analysis Identifies relevant Cognitive, Social, Personality, and Physical Characteristics of intended learners

5  Share Task Analysis Identifies in detail the knowledge, skills, or attitudes to be contained in the instruction. Statement of entry level behavior.  Identify learning theory Statement of the learning theory (or theories) that inform the design for the project. The design should be consistent with the tenets of the theory being used.  Clearly written performance/learning objectives Concise, clear, and containing necessary elements to specify the performance outcomes of instruction.  Sufficient level of detail as related to task analysis. Objectives organized in an objective hierarchy Concise, clear, contains necessary elements to define the expected outcomes of the instruction.  Clearly detailed instructional strategies instructional strategies Identifies/describes strategies to be used to achieve objectives. Addresses any issues or concerns identified in learner analysis.  Clearly defined instructional sequence. Provides clear directions for progression through instruction by identifying when in the instruction specific learning objectives will be realized.

6  Assessment Plan Description of formative and summative evaluation strategies to be used to determine effectiveness of design and materials.  Issues of message design Attention to organization and presentation of information to support understanding of message content.  Instructional resources Description and/or examples of instructional resources created or re-purposed to achieve instructional outcomes.  Functional instructional product developed Lesson plans with materials, computer programs, Power Point presentations etc.  Media selection rationale Explanation for why the media used was more appropriate than alternative formats for this instruction with these learners.

7  Implementation of project with the target audience Were members of target audience used? How was project implemented? How many people were involved? Who did the implementation? Where?  Description of implementation timeline Detailed account of timeline from beginning of work with target audience to the end  Description of implementation process What happened? Any challenges? Successes? What went well?  Recommendations for changes Clear statements concerning areas where changes are needed (if any) Suggestions for future implementations or changes in the product

8  Implementation of assessment plan Were members of target audience used? Were the surveys and other formative evaluation instruments used?  Collection of formative evaluation data. Quantity and quality of data collected.  Assessment and interpretation of formative evaluation data. Summary of findings and identification of strengths and unforeseen flaws in product  Recommendations for changes Clear statements concerning areas where changes are needed (if any)

9  Whole team MUST present  Each person can discuss a section, but focus on showing the product!  Share roles and responsibilities  Show equal contributions to project completion  Discuss challenges and successes  Clearly review each LEVEL of ADDIE, but leave time to demonstrate what you have created! Presentation Requirements

10  Description of your problem  Review each step of ADDIE—follow the rubric carefully and include ALL areas  Paper is an elaboration on your presentation  EVERYONE in the group should have a role for the final paper. Please communicate these roles to me when you submit in the introduction of the paper  Follow APA style

11  Paper should have a  Cover page  Table of contents  Introduction of problem-Section for each ADDIE level  Evaluation data included  Summary with group discussion of successes and challenges, future of project

12  Review main PROBLEM you are solving  Discuss your DESIGN  Talk about your IMPLEMENTATION PLAN-dates and times  Discuss how you will EVALUATE and what data you will collect  Your timeline and how it is going

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