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Dr Vikki Carolan – Placement Tutor. Topics covered today: employability what we mean by a placement.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Vikki Carolan – Placement Tutor. Topics covered today: employability what we mean by a placement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr Vikki Carolan – Placement Tutor

2 Topics covered today: employability what we mean by a placement

3 What is employability? ‘a set of achievements - skills, understandings and personal attributes - that make graduates more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen occupations, which benefits themselves, the workforce, the community and the economy.’ Yorke 2006

4 Ways to improve employability: get a (science) degree get (relevant) work experience develop transferable skills PSP1, PSP2 and PSP3 will all aid this process Spending year 3 on placement will improve your employability

5 What is a 'placement'? fantastic, exciting, daunting opportunity 48 weeks employment (often paid) in industry / research institute / hospital....... Placement period - year 3 of a 4 year degree Day to day work; projects; team working; communication; learning; self-development etc. placements located throughout UK (and a few in Europe)

6 Placement gives experience of 'reality'; may let you try out a career Placements can be: lab-based e.g. microbiology, analysis, synthesis, genetics, biochemistry, toxicology, hospital labs etc non-lab based e.g. clinical data management, bioinformatics, technical writing, clinical trials, field work, primary / secondary education more info on types of placement later in module

7 Who can do a placement? Any student on the Biosciences programme But...........getting a placement is like getting a job you have to make (lots of) applications you have to prepare for and attend interviews

8 Aims of a placement It provides the opportunity to: participate in the job selection process apply specialist skills & knowledge in a work environment see relevance of your studies to the workplace experience different techniques/equipment develop key skills consider career options be an independent learner improve employability To obtain a 'sandwich degree' you must satisfactorily complete a placement

9 How do I obtain a placement? Start a 'placement file' Produce a good CV advice / guidelines in PSP modules seek and utilise feedback finalise over summer (1st year results; potential employers may ask SHU for results transcript) Practice... covering letters application form questions amend based on feedback

10 How to get a placement, contd..... Get a good academic reference: attendance attitude marks Attend placement workshops (year one and year two) Follow guidance Use facilities and expertise available to you (Careers Service) If you have contacts - use them We help you to obtain a placement - you get it!

11 How does a placement help with my degree: you get a sandwich award (shows employability) you get another reference source you make professional contacts you may get a job offer you may enhance your final degree classification It contributes to the PSP3 module

12 Professional & Scientific Practice 3 20C level 6 module based around employability you have to show evidence of transferrable skills and employability Components: literature review (40%) employability portfolio (60%)

13 Employability portfolio: skills reviews, pre- and post-work experience evidence of oral and other communication skills written work based on professional experience reflection on employability graduate level CV Work experience can be from: 12 month placement; summer projects; part-time work; Venture matrix; simulated work experience

14 To do or not to do a placement...... To get a sandwich degree need to do a placement! Aims:  improve your employability  experience of job selection process  development of academic and transferrable skills  consider future career options  become an 'independent learner'; identification of strengths & weaknesses Research has shown students that have completed placements tend to get a better final degree than FT equivalents BUT - obtaining a placement is hard work and requires dedication and planning

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