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The Late Republic Section 10.3 World History.

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1 The Late Republic Section 10.3 World History

2 The Main Ideas The late republic period saw growth of territory and trade. Through wars, Rome grew beyond Italy. Several crises struck the republic in its later years.

3 Growth of Territory & Trade
Within 200 years the Roman army had conquered nearly all of Italy Mainly in response to outside threats The Gauls (387 BC) Success was due to the organization of the army Soldiers were organized into legions, or groups of up to 6,000 soldiers. Each legion was divided into centuries, or groups of 100 soldiers. Flexibility of the army allowed the Romans to defeat most enemies

4 Growth of Territory & Trade
Farming and Trade Before Rome conquered Italy, most Romans were farmers. As Rome grew, people left farms for the city Large farms were built and worked by slaves Trade expanded due to Rome’s increasing population Could not grow enough food Merchants brought food, metal goods, and slaves to Rome To pay for these goods, Romans made coinage

5 Examples of a Roman Coinage
Gold Aureus of Roman Republic. c BCE. Obverse: Head of Mars. Reverse: Eagle on a thunderbolt. Silver Didrachms of the Roman Republic BCE. Obverse: Janiform head of Dioscuri. Reverse: Jupiter in galloping quadriga driven right by Victory.

6 The Punic Wars A series of three wars against Carthage, a city in Northern Africa, between 264 and 146 BC. Punic means “Phoenician” War began on the island of Sicily After almost 20 years, the Romans forced out their enemies and took control of the island Attack on the city of Rome (218 BC) Led by Hannibal, one of the greatest generals of the ancient world. Although one of the Roman’s fiercest enemies, he was never able to capture the city. Romans declare war on Carthage (140s BC) After the victory, the Roman burned the city, killed most of its people, and sold the rest into slavery. Took control of Northern Africa

7 Hannibal and The Punic Wars

8 Later Expansion During the Punic Wars, Rome took control of Sicily, Corsica, Spain, and North Africa. Controlled most of the western Mediterranean Conquered the southern part of Gaul (120s BC) Conquered Greece and parts of Asia Romans were greatly influenced by the Greeks. Adopted ideas about literature, art, philosophy, religion, and education.

9 Crises Strike the Republic
More territory = more problems Rich were getting richer and the poor were getting poorer Resulted in violence between the two Brothers Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus tried to help poor Romans by creating farms and selling food cheaply Purpose was to keep the poor happy and prevent rebellion. Wealthy citizens opposed it and both Tiberius and Gaius were both killed for their ideas.

10 Crises Strike the Republic
In 107 BC, Marius encouraged poor people to join the army as more troops were needed. Thousands of poor joined Rome’s army and the support gave Marius great political power Sulla came into conflict with Marius and a civil war began in Rome. Sulla defeated Marius and named himself dictator Spartacus, a former gladiator, led thousands of slaves to fight for freedom. Took over much of southern Italy Was killed in battle and the revolt fell apart 6,000 slaves were executed

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