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Building an Effective Team Optimizing Team Performance Cohort 6 Webinar 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Building an Effective Team Optimizing Team Performance Cohort 6 Webinar 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building an Effective Team Optimizing Team Performance Cohort 6 Webinar 1

2 What is a team? A team is a small number of people, with complementary skills, who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they are mutually accountable. R. Katzenbach & D. Smith The Wisdom of Teams. Harvard Business School Press. 1993

3 People working together in a committed way to achieve a common goal or mission. The work may be interdependent and team members share responsibility and hold themselves accountable for attaining the results. MIT Information Services and Technology (no date) "Guide for Creating Teams: Definition of Teams"

4 "A team is a group of people working together towards a common goal.“ Team Technology (1995-2006) "The Basics of Team Building" "A group in which members work together intensively to achieve a common group goal." Lewis-McClear, Kyle and Taylor, M.S. (1998) "Psychological contract breach and the employment exchange: perceptions from employees and employers" Paper Presented to the Academy of Management, San Diego, August 1998.

5 Your main team Core project teams should be strategically chosen – so often they are not The type of project determines the type of person you will need Needs to be more than just one person Consider unlikely suspects

6 Qualities to consider in team members Demonstrates reliability Communicates constructively Listens actively Functions as an active participant Shares openly and willingly Cooperates and pitches in to help Exhibits flexibility Shows commitment to the team Works as a problem-solver Treats others in a respectful and supportive manner

7 Outside your main team… You will need to consider all your stakeholders When and how do you need them to be involved – what are you expecting of them? Consider unlikely suspects Consider sub-working groups

8 What are some ways to build an effective team?

9 Clear Aim

10 Clarify each person’s role in achieving the common purpose

11 Be aware of the ripple effect

12 People are free in expressing their feelings as well as their ideas

13 Pay attention to conflicts when they arise

14 Work out ways to resolve conflict

15 If you are the leader, remember your leadership role

16 Appraise and reward

17 Communicate team successes

18 What are other pearls of wisdom from your experience?

19 Resources UVIC – Team Effectiveness Model Creating Effective Teams – Dr. Matthew Ganis v2l.pdf v2l.pdf Monash University - resources/leadership-development/team-performance.html resources/leadership-development/team-performance.html Twelve Ways to Build an Effective Team - 0to%20Build%20an%20Effective%20Team.pdf 0to%20Build%20an%20Effective%20Team.pdf

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