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Introduction to Team Building Presented by Margo Elliott Momentum Performance Solutions 6 September 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Team Building Presented by Margo Elliott Momentum Performance Solutions 6 September 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Team Building Presented by Margo Elliott Momentum Performance Solutions 6 September 2001

2 Collective Work Products
Team Basics Performance Results Diagram from “The Wisdom of Teams” by Katzenbach, Smith Skills Problem Solving Technical/function Inter-personal Mutual Small Number of People Individual Accountability Specific Goals Common Approach Meaningful Purpose Collective Work Products Personal Growth Commitment Margo Elliott

3 A Team Is... A small number of people with complimentary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals and approach, for which they hold themselves mutually accountable Katzenbach, Smith 1993 Margo Elliott

4 A Group Is... People working within the same area of interest or expertise, but whose work outcomes are not interdependent No joint product or service for which the whole group is responsible Relies on individual performance for results Can be very effective Margo Elliott

5 The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
Why Use Teams? Business Point of View Flexibility Complexity Positive Results Single point of contact Creativity Synergy Personal Point of View Greater productivity Reduced stress Sense of belonging Ownership of work Clear goals and roles Climate of trust and encouragement Open and honest communication The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Margo Elliott

6 Use Teams When... Multiple skills, experiences and judgements are required Learning and behavioural change are desired Margo Elliott

7 Groups Vs. Teams Groups Teams Strong, clearly focused leader
Individual accountability Members are ‘hired hands’ Members told what to do Individual work products Opinions, disagreements divisive Individual success or failure Teams Shared leadership roles Individual & mutual accountability Members own their work Members contribute to team objectives Collective work products Opinions, disagreements encouraged Collective success or failure Margo Elliott

8 Building A Team Construct an environment that fosters teamwork
Select talented people Match tasks to skills Train to work in teams Leverage and multiply individual talent Continually develop the team Actively manage personnel mismatches Margo Elliott

9 Characteristics of an Effective Team
High success rate Agrees on clear, challenging goals Has a leader Has a mix of people who contribute in different but complimentary ways Balances the task and the process Supportive atmosphere Learns from experience Works and plays together Margo Elliott

10 Teamwork Requires... Good team players Effective teaming
Well managed boundaries Margo Elliott

11 Critical Teaming Styles
Contributors task oriented Collaborators goal directed Communicators focus on process Challengers raise tough questions Glenn M. Parker Margo Elliott

12 Team Development Teams progress through four stages of development
Forming Norming Storming Performing Margo Elliott

13 Team Development Stages
Each stage is marked by distinct needs and behaviours in the team members Progression through the stages is not necessarily linear Teams experience all of the stages at some time Margo Elliott

14 Stage 1 - Forming Team members’ need safety to establish themselves
to figure out the purpose of the team Margo Elliott

15 Forming Observable behaviours Low task accomplishment
dependency on the leader focus on defining roles, goals and tasks enthusiasm high expectations testing the leader and central figures Low task accomplishment Margo Elliott

16 Stage 2 - Norming Team members’ need inclusion
to develop harmony, trust support and respect to develop self-esteem and confidence to set implicit and explicit rules Margo Elliott

17 Norming Observable behaviours Moderate to high task accomplishment
increasing satisfaction resolving discrepancies between expectations and reality open communication sharing responsibility and control using team language and ‘folklore’ Moderate to high task accomplishment Margo Elliott

18 Stage 3 - Storming Team members’ need Observable behaviours control
competition for power and attention negative reactions to leader and other members feelings of frustration goals, tasks, action plans Margo Elliott

19 Storming Observable behaviours Some task accomplishment
discrepancy between hopes and reality dissatisfied with dependence on authority experiencing polarities: dependence/counter-dependence Some task accomplishment Margo Elliott

20 Stage 4 - Performing Team members’ need Observable behaviours
interconnectedness high success rate and productivity Observable behaviours working collaboratively and interdependently sense of team strength shared leadership sense of belonging and excitement Margo Elliott

21 Performing Observable behaviours High task accomplishment
high confidence in meeting goals positive feelings about success synergy high problem-solving and decision-making skills High task accomplishment Margo Elliott

22 Factors in Team Success
Leadership Team direction clear mission clear vision Goals and measurements Clearly defined roles for team members Team operating norms/ground rules Margo Elliott

23 Factors in Team Success, cont.
Interpersonal dynamics build trust, communication, sense of ‘team’ early Boundary management Rewards and recognition, celebration Mutual accountability Management support Margo Elliott

24 What Can I Expect? Stages of development Diverse styles Conflict
concrete/sequential/abstract/random communication Introvert/Extravert task focus, process focus Conflict Learning Margo Elliott

25 How Can I Contribute? Communicate! Meet your commitments
Participate in planning AS WELL AS implementation Adhere to operating norms Address issues as they arise Manage conflict Margo Elliott

26 Resistance Issues Personal discomfort and risk
not comfortable working in a team don’t like to take responsibility for another’s work don’t like to depend on others don’t like to suffer consequences of others’ mistakes Margo Elliott

27 What’s In It For Me? Learn skills from others on the team
Practice decision-making and conflict management skills Develop interpersonal skills Learn to deal with difficult situations Produce a better final project than you could by yourself Margo Elliott

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