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Try to find something in the wood 1.Friendship between generations 2.The relationship between hunman beings and the nature.

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Presentation on theme: "Try to find something in the wood 1.Friendship between generations 2.The relationship between hunman beings and the nature."— Presentation transcript:


2 Try to find something in the wood

3 1.Friendship between generations 2.The relationship between hunman beings and the nature

4 This is a friendship between two souls who are seemingly different, in every way: one is an American boy of twelve; and the other is an old English woman. Why would they become good friends?

5 First,they are both lonely: the boy is lonely because he is in a foreign country with his father, the woman is lonely because she has just lost her dear husband. Second,their common interest in nature and knowledge.

6 But the real reason for their friendship is the old woman's selfless interest in the boy. It is often said that true love is in the giving and not in the taking-So is friendship-The woman not only gives the boy good food to eat, she also gives him a new vision of the beautiful nature, the key to the treasury of human knowledge.

7 Does she get anything in return? Yes. Through giving, she can not help receiving. Although totally unaware, the boy has given the woman great consolation too.

8 True friendship True friendship is both rare and precious, it exists deep in your heart. In this world there are also things that change and things that do not change, and true friendship does not change. It is enduring and rewardingTrue friendship is like water, which is tasteless but is essential to our body. Compared with decent wine, water is insipid in taste, but is of great help to satisfy our thirsty.


10 love nature : My secret fortress,almost a holy place A vaulted cathedral,with tree trunks for pillars and years’accumulation of long brown needles for a softly carpeted floor Roaming the woods and fields alone,playing Robin Hood,collecting bugs and bird-watching

11 As is often read in the newspaper reports, wild life especially the rare species is threatened with extinction. Human beings are making attempts to hunt wild animals for a big profit., which, of course, results in a sharp decrease in the number of animals. But in our text, the two persons enjoy everything in the nature

12 Look at what the boy and old lady act Loving nature. Anybody who knew this sort of stuff was definitely cool “wow”was all I could say The hour went by much too swiftly boy Bookshelves,large tomes,glass-fronted cases containing figures of ivory and carved stone,cabinets full of fossils,trays of pinned butterflies and a dozen or so stuffed birds The old lady

13 Discuss: What do you think about human beings and nature

14 a wisdom tutored by nature itself, about the seen and unseen, about things that change and things that are changeless, and about the fact that no matter how seemingly different two souls may be, they possess the potential for that most precious, rare thing-an enduring and rewarding friendship

15 In my own opinion, The wisdom is not only about the friendship between generations but also the relationship between human beings.


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