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Smoking Myths and Realities Created by: T. Magallan @ Truitt MS.

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Presentation on theme: "Smoking Myths and Realities Created by: T. Magallan @ Truitt MS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smoking Myths and Realities Created by: T. Truitt MS

2 Reality MYTH #1: Cigarette Smoking is not as dangerous as some
people say. Reality Most health experts agree that cigarette smoking is one of the most serious causes of death and disability in this country.

3 Myth #2: Reality Smoking is not something that I
will have to worry about until I’m old. Reality There are many immediate and long term effects of smoking (See the next few slides about effects on the body). It can also cost you over $1000/year.

4 Effects of Cigarette smoking:
Immediate: Hand steadiness decreases Heart beats faster Carbon Monoxide in your lungs increases Temperature of skin goes down Pattern of brain waves changes Long term: Heart Disease Cancer

5 Other effects of smoking:
Ears: affects nerves and blood vessels in the ears and may lead to hearing loss. Eyes: Causes the eyes to become red may lead to loss of eyesight. Mouth: Harms the skin covering of lips, tongue, and throat which could cause food to taste funny. Causes bad coughs and mouth infections. Nose: Decreases your ability to smell.

6 Continued Effects of smoking:
Skin: Causes temperature of the skin to drop and causes wrinkles on the face to appear quickly. Lungs: Makes it harder to breathe normally which makes it harder for you to do well in sports. Heart: Closes off blood vessels making the heart work harder to pump blood through them.

7 Smoking + Quitting= NOT EASY!
Myth #3: It’s easy to quit smoking. Reality: Most people are Unsuccessful at quitting smoking, even though 1/2 of all smokers have tried to quit at least once. Smoking + Quitting= NOT EASY!

8 Myth #4: Reality Most people smoke cigarettes.
Surveys indicate that ONLY 8% of 8th graders, 16% of 10th graders, and 23% of 12th graders smoke cigarettes daily. ONLY 28% of ALL adults smoke regularly. This means that MOST people DON’T smoke.

9 Myth #5: Reality: Smoking is cool and sophisticated.
Smoking has become socially unacceptable. Non-smokers are becoming more assertive regarding their right to breathe clean air due to the hazards of side stream smoke.

10 My reasons for not smoking:
Have students talk about their own personal reasons for NOT smoking.

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