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The Effect of Distance on the Rate of Blinking Katy Sachs.

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Presentation on theme: "The Effect of Distance on the Rate of Blinking Katy Sachs."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Effect of Distance on the Rate of Blinking Katy Sachs

2 To see if people started to blink less while staring at a television faster at a closer distance over time My sister who plays on the Wii – When I watch her, she just stares Standing too close

3 Terms Wii™: The electronic device that was used in the experiment. Blinks/min: The amount of blinks in one minute. CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome): Temporary condition of focusing of the eyes after staring at an electronic for an hour. Conditions could be sore eyes, and blurred vision. Super Mario Galaxy 2: The computer game that was used during the experiment. Meters: Unit of measurement for distance. ANOVA: Statistical equations that the results were put into.

4 Design Diagram TITLE: The effect of distance while playing video games on the rate of blinking. HYPOTHESIS: If people play on the Wii at a close distance then the rate of eyes blinking will decrease. IV: Distance between the person and the Wii (meters) CONSTANTS: The game, height of the television, conditions played in, and the amount of time spent playing the game 1 meter2 meters3 meters 22 people

5 Design Diagram

6 Materials Materials: Wii Game (Super Mario Galaxy 2) Materials necessary to write down observations Timer Video Camera Tape (for floor)

7 Procedure They first will be asked to sign the consent form, knowing their task is to play the Wii for an half hour. The person will be video tape talking about their electronic use for ONE minute: The questions asked: How long they use electronics per day? What is the normal usage of electronic device that they play on? This footage will be used to see the subjects blink rate in normal conditions. The person will be positioned at a distance they must stay at for the entire experiment. Behind a colored tape, they are not to move past this tape for the entire experiment. The background information of Super Mario Galaxy 2 will be presented before they start the experiment. The controls of the Wii remote and how to control the player in the game will be presented with the background information.

8 I will let them start playing the Wii at the distance that was marked for the person. At the fifteen minute mark, the player will be video tape playing the Wii for one minute. As they continue to play the Wii, they will be recorded for another minute as the last minute of the players playing time. The player will stop playing after a full half hour is completed. After the experiment is completed, there will be time to review the video footage of the player at the start, midway, and at the end of the experiment. The data will be collected by showing the three-one minute video clip segments.

9 In the first video clip that was recorded, the review will count how many times the player blinked (at the beginning of the experiment). After the first minute is completed, watch the second clip to watch the rate of eye movement in that minute. Then finally, the third clip will be showed to count the blinking in that minute.

10 Photo Documentation

11 Results DISTANCE ONE TRIAL NUMBER BEGINNING RATE (BLINKS/MIN) MIDWAY RATEENDING RATE 11155 211411 31595 426178 51986 617108 7261610 81453 9 59 1025187 11201612 21118 13800 14342 15 105 161916 17281412 18141110 19 1415 208314 21101511 227129 AVERAGES ≈ 15≈11≈9 DISTANCE TWO TRIAL NUMBERBEGINNING RATEMIDWAY RATEENDING RATE 11972 2321920 31875 41685 5281412 61064 71865 81914 92044 10181712 1117126 1585 1314316 14241715 1985 16735 174510 18533 19201923 2019513 211963 221185 AVERAGES≈17≈9

12 DISTANCE THREE TRIAL NUMBERBEGINNING RATEMIDWAY RATEENDING RATE 11037 2442616 31464 433158 5191511 61265 715117 816108 9201612 10181210 111795 1214108 131586 142367 15351417 161074 171473 1811824 1922158 2018127 21934 2210168 AVERAGES≈18≈11≈9

13 The Effect of Distance on the Rate of Blinking

14 ANOVA Source of Variation Sum of squares d.fMean squares F Between36.48218.240.3649 Error9749.19549.99 Total9786.197 The probability of this result is 0.695 >.05 Chance

15 Conclusion That distance did not affect blinking rate ANOVA: data was chance – People have different blinking rates

16 Errors Human Error Video Camera Interest level Extensions – TV affects blinking – Electronics influences your normal blinking rate

17 Thanks! My sisters: ideas Parents: pushed me to work on this Mrs. Pietrangelo: help get approved

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