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Personal Family- Mom Dad Sister 1 Sister 2 Dog Turtle.

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Presentation on theme: "Personal Family- Mom Dad Sister 1 Sister 2 Dog Turtle."— Presentation transcript:


2 Personal Family- Mom Dad Sister 1 Sister 2 Dog Turtle

3 Favorites Favorite Fast Food Restaurant – Taco Bell Favorite Snack – Ice Cream or Hot Cheetos Favorite Movie – 21 Jump Street Favorite TV show – Buck Wild Favorite Book – Hush Hush Favorite animal – Baby Hedgehog

4 Favorite Vacation Cancun Hung out at the beach. Went jet skiing. Went to a water park. Attempted to surf. Attempted to wind surf. Took a sail boat out to a sand bank. Built sand castles.

5 High School Goals Get good grades. Get a Job. Get my license. Get a car.

6 Post High School Go to college. Move out. Get a full time job. Get an apartment or house. Get a kitty.

7 Conclusion Thanks for watching!

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