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My Autobiography By “Name”.

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Presentation on theme: "My Autobiography By “Name”."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Autobiography By “Name”

2 Where it All Began Write a paragraph about when and where you were born.

3 What I Look Like Write about what you look like here. What color eyes and hair do you have? Are you tall or short? Describe yourself.

4 My family Write a paragraph about who your parents are and who your brothers and sisters are. How old are they? What are their names?

5 My Home Tell about where you live. How long have you lived here? What state? Did you live somewhere before? Describe it.

6 My Favorites Teacher = Subject = Toy = TV show = Movie = Food =
Person = Place = Thing to Do = Color= Book = Teacher = Subject = Toy = TV show = Movie =

7 My Most Memorable Experience
Write a paragraph about an important experience in your life.

8 My Best Vacation Tell about the best vacation you have ever had.

9 If I had one wish … I would wish for … because

10 When I Grow Up I want to be a … because

11 Thank You for Paying Attention
The End Thank You for Paying Attention

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