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January 7,2013. Christmas Eve We ate at a Mexican restaurant and the food was good. We went to go get puzzle to do as a family. We went to sleep together.

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Presentation on theme: "January 7,2013. Christmas Eve We ate at a Mexican restaurant and the food was good. We went to go get puzzle to do as a family. We went to sleep together."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 7,2013

2 Christmas Eve We ate at a Mexican restaurant and the food was good. We went to go get puzzle to do as a family. We went to sleep together in our livingroom.

3 Christmas We wake up in the moring to open our present my lil sister went first. Then my lil brother went second. Last me and my big sister went last.

4 Favorite Food My favorite food is cup noodles. My other favorite food is hamburgers. My other favorite food is ice cream.

5 Things I Have In Life I have 7 dogs in my life. I have my parents in my life. I have brothers and sisters in my life.

6 Things I Have I have a tablet. I also have a dsi. I also have a radio.



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