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CNI Fall 2004 Task Force Meeting Going 'On-Web‘ Google, Yahoo, Open WorldCat and Library Services Chip Nilges Lorcan Dempsey OCLC.

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Presentation on theme: "CNI Fall 2004 Task Force Meeting Going 'On-Web‘ Google, Yahoo, Open WorldCat and Library Services Chip Nilges Lorcan Dempsey OCLC."— Presentation transcript:

1 CNI Fall 2004 Task Force Meeting Going 'On-Web‘ Google, Yahoo, Open WorldCat and Library Services Chip Nilges Lorcan Dempsey OCLC

2 CNI. Fall 2004. Task force meeting Overview

3 CNI. Fall 2004. Task force meeting Overview  Environment  Open WorldCat  Issues/opportunities

4 CNI. Fall 2004. Task force meeting The Amazoogle user environment  Four perceived user attributes?  Comprehensive  Accessible  Immediate gratification (but see Google Scholar)  ‘Followability’ of data  For many, the first and last resort of research  Available at the point of need

5 CNI. Fall 2004. Task force meeting The Amazoogle platform  Creating network application platforms  Massive data and computational hubs in a loosely coupled world  E-bay, Google, Amazon, …

6 CNI. Fall 2004. Task force meeting Open WorldCat on web Connect library users to library services on the open web … … by leveraging the WorldCat platform … … which has been co-created by member libraries and OCLC.

7 CNI. Fall 2004. Task force meeting Open WorldCat  Background  Demonstration  Experience to date

8 CNI. Fall 2004. Task force meeting History of Open WorldCat  Rationale  Research  Pilot  Service

9 CNI. Fall 2004. Task force meeting Fulfillment WorldCat linking: Outbound & Inbound WorldCat Group Catalog Open WorldCat Library lookup OPAC link Authentication Patron View of WorldCat Discovery Public Web Private Web OpenURL services Resource sharing Circulation E-licensed resource

10 CNI Fall 2004 Task Force Meeting Demonstration

11 CNI. Fall 2004. Task force meeting




15 Subject bibliography

16 CNI. Fall 2004. Task force meeting IP Authenticated Services OpenURL server Detailed WorldCat record in FirstSearch Edinburgh’s catalogue IP Authenticated Services Open URL FirstSearch Patron ILL NetLibrary ebooks JSTOR

17 CNI. Fall 2004. Task force meeting DSpace records

18 CNI. Fall 2004. Task force meeting Exposing special collections

19 CNI. Fall 2004. Task force meeting Yahoo! toolbar Yahoo! Toolbar

20 CNI. Fall 2004. Task force meeting



23 How libraries participate  Set holdings in WorldCat  Configure access to their system  Monitor statistics  All library holdings display through June 2005; thereafter, holdings display for WorldCat subscribers

24 CNI. Fall 2004. Task force meeting Open WorldCat traffic

25 CNI. Fall 2004. Task force meeting Links to libraries

26 CNI. Fall 2004. Task force meeting User Feedback “I'm glad that [our library] is part of this as it will help us to promote our collections to a wider audience. We are in the process of converting 750,000 records, which should be available in WorldCat over the next 3-4 years.” [member] "I am absolutely DELIGHTED to be able to access WorldCat through Google! As an independent researcher and author…not associated with an institution…being able to easily find the local locations for books I need is WONDERFUL. Please continue to make this program available to the public. Many thanks indeed!" [end-user] "This is an awesome project. This is the right direction to take. We want to be fully involved." [member] “[This] site…let me know about a book that I never would have found out about otherwise, and let me know exactly where to tell the local county library to request an interlibrary loan. I'm a botanist for the US National Park Service, and this is an INCREDIBLE resource for those of us in isolated areas hours away from a university caliber library. If you need a testimonial for funding or convincing libraries to join, I'd be happy to provide one.” [end-user]

27 CNI. Fall 2004. Task force meeting

28 Issues/Opportunities  General Usability  Placement  Ranking  FRBR  Subject access  Published content  OPAC linking & delivery  Licensed content  Rights & authentication  OpenURL linking  Special collections/Institutional repositories

29 CNI. Fall 2004. Task force meeting Questions?

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